Things to Consider Before Homeschooling

Is homeschooling the best choice for your child, your family, and yourself? That is a question that parents must give serious thought to as they are making the decision about whether or not to start homeschooling a child. Here are some important things to consider before you make the transition from public school to homeschooling. Can you afford to homeschool? Parents who are displeased by the public school that their child has been assigned to might be thinking about homeschooling instead. After all, homeschooling is obviously cheaper than the tuition that a private school would charge. Keep in mind that … Continue reading

Is it the product or the process?

We took two days off from homeschooling this week. I honestly cringed at the thought of having to get “caught up” right before the holidays. But we took the days off anyways. My children used their cuteness and worked together and persuaded me to take the days off. Now you know if you’ve read any of my blogs that we did not sit around and watch TV. In fact we took the days off to do some. . .er. . .uh. . .creative problem solving, ecological conservation and. . . um. . .arts. So here’s the real story. There was … Continue reading