Reaching Out

There’s a mission field just outside your door. There may even be one inside your home. Have you ever thought of your family, friends and neighbors as a mission field? God has placed you exactly where you are, so you can reach out to those around you with the truth of the gospel. In a recent survey in America, 89 percent of those who did not go to church have at least one close friend who is a Christian. If you are a Christian, stop for a moment and think. How many non Christians can you number in your circle … Continue reading

Why I’m Blogging My Health

I’ve talked about “liveblogging” your health: writing openly and publicly about your health issues as they happen (or as close to “live” as possible). A writer friend of mine blogs his experiences with cancer — the good, the bad, and the ugly, no holds barred. Former Pets Blogger Courtney Mroch wrote very openly about her experiences with her cancerous “hitchhiker”. One advantage of liveblogging a health issue — or other important goings on in your life — is that lots of people can get the news quickly and easily. They can stay up to day with your progress without you … Continue reading

Is Your Church a Lifeboat?

Recently in Jervis Bay, a boat was capsized by one of many whales stopping off in the bay on their way back south with their calves. Ideally a lifeboat would have been handy to scoop them up and take them to shore. But there wasn’t one around. However, the fishermen were able to swim to shore and safety. Back in June this year Andrew Heard, pastor at Central Coast Evangelical Church visited the church I was part of at the time. This is the question he asked our congregation, ‘Is your church a life-boat that saves those who are drowning?’ … Continue reading

Asking for Help

When we are going through struggles and different trials, we may be on knees daily asking the Lord for help. We may be asking for strength to get through this trial or for our burdens to be lifted. We may expect help to come in unexpected ways. We may expect that the bishop will magically appear on our doorstep to help in unexpected ways. While this does happen on occasion, it is important to realize that we need to ask for help as well. The church has set up a system, which can help to meet your needs. It is … Continue reading

Should Christians Get Tattoos or Piercing?

In addition to the question of whether Christians are justified in getting tattoos and piercing, I’d like also to keep in mind other types of permanent procedures that some would go as far to suggest is mutilation. Appearances have evolved even in many Christian churches as they have in secular society. It’s not for me to suggest what is right or wrong when the apparel remains modest and gender specific as the Bible states. But what about fashion that is relatively permanent like tattoos and piercing along with more severe disfigurements? Some argue that our flesh will perish anyway and … Continue reading

Why Do You Go to Work?

Why do you go to work? The first answer that comes to your mind is probably, “Well, for the money.” Is that the only reason that you work? When I went to work full-time in the professional world, my primary motivation was money. However, I soon realized that receiving a pay check was not a meaningful enough reason for me. Is a lucrative career enough reason for devoting forty hours a week for 40-50 years to a place away from home and family? The answer for me was “No.” I soon committed to God that my job wouldn’t simply be … Continue reading

5 Principles for Showing Hospitality

The Bible gives us wonderful principles to use in showing hospitality to others. My husband enjoys defining hospitality as, “Making someone feel at home, even when you wish they were.” Sarcasm aside, here are some tips laid down for us in scripture. 1. Show it fervently (I Peter 4:8-9). Make it a point to be hospitable towards others. Invite people into your home for a meal, a Bible study, or just a time to get to know each other. Open up to others. 2. Show it continuously to the needy (Romans 12:13). The Christians in Rome in Paul’s time heard … Continue reading