Hurt Feelings and Rejection

In a recent poll conducted by Child Magazine, 71% of respondents oppose policies that are designed to protect a child’s feelings of rejection. This includes not keeping scores at sporting events and giving all players, not just the winners, trophies. This was the first time I had heard of such a policy and I must say I am shocked that such a policy would exist. Rejection is a part of life and kids have to learn to deal with it. Are we doing our kids a disservice by not preparing them for the real world? In a word, “yes”. Remember … Continue reading

Feeling Rejected–A Mother’s Perspective

Ah, rejection! Had someone told us when we started out as parents that we would have our hearts so broken and battered by these tiny little innocent creatures, do you think we would have believed them? What a cruel joke it is that we are told to embrace “attachment parenting,” to bond and devote ourselves to our children–all the while their job is to push, pull and run to get away and forge out on their own as independent people. How do we wrestle with all the various stages and versions of feeling rejected?! Recently, I was talking with an … Continue reading

Do You Talk the Talk, but not Walk the Walk?

This week I had to deal with an incident which is unfortunately very common in everyday life, but when it happens to a person suffering from a mental illness or some sort of emotional breakdown, it is even more devastating. It appears the world is not short on people who make promises to others, but at the last minute, will renege without a thought for the devastated person they leave in their wake. Do you do this? Occasionally, we really cannot make good our promises because of extenuating circumstances, but there are people who actually make a habit of making … Continue reading

Relationship Keys

When it comes to marriage, possessing social confidence is not always automatic. Whether we are 20, 30 or 50, we can learn to be socially confident in order to help develop great relationships with our friends, our family and our spouses. There are some who absorb these skills without great effort. They are skilled at relationships and they likely had fantastic models in their parents. They cannot explain why they are good at relationships, they just are. If you were to ask one to articulate the skills they use to manage their relationships, they would not be able to answer. … Continue reading