Remedies When Love is Fading

So you’ve discovered your love for your spouse is fading, what can you do about it? Here are some suggestions. Remember Remember where you started. When I lose sunglasses, keys or something, which is fairly common with me, I retrace my steps. It is no different with marriage. If you have lost your love for your spouse or are just having trouble remembering why you fell in love with them in the first place, go back to the beginning. Make a list of the reasons why you fell in love with them. Share that list with your spouse. Work on … Continue reading

Changing a Negative Pattern

If your marriage is going through problems and you are trying to change a negative pattern, the most important thing is not to give up too soon. You need what my Mom used to call stick-ability. In other words, sometimes you just need to persevere and stick at it. Trying to change a pattern or a habit requires time as well as effort. The main thing is not be come discouraged and give up if you don’t see instant results. When you first started going together, what things did you enjoy doing? These are the types of things you need … Continue reading

Young Women: Integrity

The final value in the Personal Progress book is Integrity. The theme for this value is “I will have the moral courage to make my decisions based on my knowledge of what is right and wrong.” The scripture is Job 27:5: “Till I die I will not have my integrity removed from me.” This is a wonderful value that will help your daughter develop strong and good characters. The value experiences for integrity really focus on helping the girls to understand what integrity is. There are several spiritual accounts that the girls should read. They are also encouraged to interview … Continue reading

Three Games to Help Kids Remember the Bible

As I have mentioned often, I teach a children’s Bible school class on Sunday mornings. I am always trying to think of new ways for my kids to learn (and remember) the Bible lessons which I teach them. Kids love playing games, and I think that games (or at least most games) can really engage kids’ minds so that they remember the material of the game. Games can also be a great way to see how much the children are learning from lessons you teach them or lessons they hear in Bible class. Charades. This game works best with a … Continue reading