Getting Organized for the New Year

If your New Year’s resolution includes getting organized in 2013, you are not alone. When the clock strikes 12 on January 1st, I am vowing to better manage all aspects of my life. Of course, that’s the same resolution I made in 2011 and 2012. Hopefully, the third time will be the charm. I’m a busy mom, just like millions of other parents in the world, and more often than not, time gets the best of me. Actually, it haunts, punishes and kicks the life out of me. Hence, my New Year’s resolution. If you are looking for affordable ways … Continue reading

The Home Owner’s New Year’s Resolutions

If you own a home (or even just rent one) you probably have some little things that you would like to get done this coming year. As owners of an older “needs some work” home, I can relate to anyone who might have a resolution or two that involves their home. Have you made any? If you needs some ideas, check out mine! I resolve to go greener. This year we have made some great strides toward going green, from turning the heat down low and wearing layers of clothing, to recycling, to shutting offer power to phantom appliances and … Continue reading

Buying a Digital Camera: Resolution Explained

If you are shopping for a new digital camera, no doubt that you are looking at resolution and megapixels. But what does it all mean? Here is a thorough guide to this important digital camera feature. What are megapixels? The megapixel count of a digital camera has to do with the resolution capability of the camera, or in other words, how sharp and clear your photos will be. Each image is made up of megapixels. Think of a modern artist who makes up his masterpieces using only colored dots. The more (and smaller) dots he uses, the sharper and more … Continue reading

Are There Unresolved Problems?

I suppose it is pretty well known that it is not so much the problems and issues we know we need to work on that give us fits, it is the ones that we have nor or are not facing. When it comes to single parent families—there may be unresolved problems and issues coming from divorce, separation, death, or other realities that we haven’t completely dealt with and worked through. As long as those issues and problems are unresolved, we will have trouble getting on with building a healthy family… Putting things off or not facing all of our problems … Continue reading

You: The Success Story

When the weekend comes, what do you do? Do you go, go, go or stay in bed? May I make a suggestion? When Saturday comes, pretend it’s Monday, and get moving. Set your alarm clock for the time you normally wake up, during the week, and head to the gym. Don’t have a gym membership? Put on your sweats and sneakers; turn on the television and workout to one of the early morning exercise programs. I think you know where I’m going with this; you need to exercise. Practically every book that I’ve read combines a balanced diet with regular … Continue reading

Diary of an Overweight Mom: Progress!

Well, we’re a week into the New Year—resolutions have been made and countless ones have undoubtedly already been broken—but not mine. I resolved to finally lose my excess weight in 2007 and so far I’m staying on track. To do this, I had to decide which “route” I wanted to take. Was I going to go low-carb, low calorie, or low-fat? Was I going to take supplements? How often was I going to exercise? For me, the best option, at least for now, was to go low-carb. By reducing my carbohydrates, I find I can stay full longer, have reduced … Continue reading

The Blame Game

I didn’t create the situation. This is the argument many of us use when we are confronted with a difficult situation with our spouse or partner. We assign the blame of where the difficulty originated. In some cases, this may be a valid necessity to resolving the problem. In many other cases, it is just a way of escalating an argument. Let’s consider the following disagreement between a couple – the man kept a secret. His reasons for keeping the secret are numerous, but ultimately it boiled down to he didn’t want to argue with his wife. The secret involved … Continue reading

Resolving Differences

Too often when we think about resolving differences, we think that one of us needs to be right. The problem with that attitude is that it also requires that one of us be wrong. While I grant you that there are plenty of times when we fall into either category, difference resolution that forces one or the other to be wrong all the time can lead to bitter resentments. The best resolutions to your differences occur when: You respect your partner’s opinions – right or wrong You understand that truth is fluid – what may be true for you is … Continue reading