Fun Project: Colorful Mini Volcanos

This is a fun science project for kids from preschool on up.  While it may not hold the same science lesson for a child passed the third grade, it retains its value in entrainment.  So go ahead and let all the kids give this one a try.  Make sure you have your table covered since the reaction between the baking soda and vinegar can get out of hand.  Go slowly, unless you want to see a huge explosion.  My kids decided to make a huge reaction right at the end and it really was fun. Colorful Mini Volcanos Supplies Baking … Continue reading

The Leaping Sliding Sprinting Riding Science Book – Bobby Mercer

The Leaping Sliding Sprinting Riding Science Book by Bobby Mercer has 50 sports related science activities. Even kids who aren’t great at sports can use this book to have fun and learn at the same time. Considering that the Olympics are coming up, I’m sure there will be extra interest in sports in the next few months. Each of the activities has a list of equipment you need. Most of the activities use sports equipment such as footballs, stopwatches, skateboards, and bicycles, and they may need things like pencils, calculator or rulers. Each activitiy also has instructions, followed by a … Continue reading