When Litterbox Smells Attack!

It’s Halloween season… time for a horror story! And let’s face it — as cute as our pets are (of all species), sometimes they produce some awful smells. In my work at the cats-only boarding facility, I encounter the whole rainbow of litterbox nightmares. There’s the cat who nearly misses the box, so the mess is half in and half out. There’s the digger, who likes to pepper the walls and floor with dirty litter bits. There’s the one who mistakes bed for box and vice versa. And the odor can range from “barely know it’s there” to “I smelled … Continue reading

Did Your Deodorant Stop Working?

The deodorant/antipersperant aisle at the store is full of options. Sporty, teen, extra strength, spray, invisible, transdimensional, does the dishes too, etc. I used Secret because that was what my mom used… and I stuck with it for years. One day, I noticed that it wasn’t working as well as it used to. The powder fresh scent wasn’t lasting as long, and I was starting to feel sweaty. Betrayed! By my favorite deodorant! Oh, the horror! Heartbroken, I switched to another brand — Suave, if you’re curious. I’ve more or less been switching between the two every few years now, … Continue reading

How to Talk to a Person with Bad B.O.

This may be a recurring nightmare among folks in management positions: a star employee has a problem with body odor… and it’s up to you to talk to them. What do you say? How do you approach the subject tactfully? It’s not an easy one. Even for the people we hold closest — family and friends — it’s not always easy to point out a flaw like body odor. I feel horrible suggesting that a friend needs a breath mint… yet I’d definitely want to know if I was the stinky one. The approach is even more delicate when you … Continue reading

Scents and Dreams (and Nightmares)

German researchers have found that different smells can influence your dreams. When study participants were exposed to bad smells (researchers used rotten eggs), they generally had bad dreams. When study participants were exposed to good smells (researchers used roses), the dreams were generally good ones. It does make sense — smell stimulates a whole lot of behaviors in the body. Different scents can influence emotion, bring back memories, increase or decrease appetite, and even stimulate sexual arousal. Dangerous smells can even trigger a fight-or-flight response. The scent of burning (even if it’s just my neighbors using their grill on the … Continue reading

Pets without Odors

When I invite a friend over, I go into a bit of a cleaning frenzy. I vacuum and dust and clean the bathroom… but I also brush the couches and pick mud out of the door tracks. I fuss over the various spots that various dogs have left on the carpet, hoping to somehow hide them with clever lighting or furniture movements. The only person who’s ever commented on or obsessed over the smell, however, is me. I have two big dogs and I worry that my apartment is stinky because of them. (I have the same worry about my … Continue reading

The War of the Smells

Ah, spring. When a young dog’s fancy turns to the awakening smells of the world around her (or him). I’ve already had to declare war on mud. People warned me when I moved to the Pacific Northwest that it would be rainy and it would be muddy. The rain, I can handle. I’ve got a knee-length waterproof coat with a deep hood and plenty of pockets for poo bags. But Moose, Lally, and I track in lots of mud. These days, the war on mud is mostly under control. I’m now the proud owner of TWO vacuums — one small, … Continue reading

Eliminate Odors In Your Home For Less

Everyone has odors and strange smells floating around their homes from time to time. Everything from diaper pails, to smelly shoes, and bathroom odors to pet odors, they all cause smells that aren’t so pleasant. With all the air fresheners, scented candles, sprays and other products available, a person could go broke trying to reduce or eliminate odors throughout the home. However there are some ways you can use everyday household items and other inexpensive products to reduce or eliminate those odors. It does not have to break the bank. Baking Soda This is the number one product for odor … Continue reading

Scents For Your Home For Only Cents

We all love walking into a room or home that smells wonderful. It’s a tactic that those selling their homes use. But you want to avoid harsh scents that can be overwhelming. These are frugal ways to use scents in your home for only cents. Dollar Store Shop at the dollar store. Even discount chains and pharmacy chains have sections of candles and other scent related items. Typically the cost for a scented candle will fall at about $1.00. Some places will have larger candles for 2/$5.00. The candles will last for several burns, and when they aren’t burning, they … Continue reading