Living Together Before Marriage

Living together before marriage is very common in today’s society. It almost seems to be the expected thing these days. I’ve heard people say its better to try it first and see whether you’re suited. But living together is not as good a test as some people might like to think. In fact statistics show those who live together before marriage are more likely to divorce than those who don’t. I’ve had friends who have lived together before marriage and translated that to a successful marriage. I also know those who have lived together and then, as soon as marriage … Continue reading

When the World Seems Un-Single Parent Family-Friendly

Things have changed in the world and it is definitely “easier” to be a single parent these days, at least it there is normally an environment that seems more hospitable to single parent families here in the United States. The reality of taking care of a family as a solo parent is still tough, but many of us have found more support and understanding for our situation. Even with these changes, however, there can still be those times when things do not feel so hospitable and the world seems pretty un-single parent family-friendly. Fortunately, there are things we single parents … Continue reading

Do You Understand Culture and Customs That Might Affect Your Business?

Even if you are operating your home business in a small town where you have lived your entire life—there are social issues that can affect your success. If you are working internationally, or with demographics and populations of people who are different from you—taking the time to learn about customs and culture can really pay off as you build and grow your business. There are all sorts of social nuances and customs that can come into play when one is interacting with a variety of people. Just because you are “doing business” does not mean that culture and manners don’t … Continue reading

Marriage is Bad for the Community? Really?

Marriage is a sacred institution and it’s about deepening family ties whether you are a European princeling making a power match with an Austrian duchess or an Irish-American dentist marrying an Italian-American schoolteacher and integrating their extended families. We build communities around this sense of nuclear family and by extension the rest of the family on both sides. Marrying broadens your local community, incorporating a whole new support network and more. But according to sociologists Natalia Sarkisian and Nami Gerstel – not so much anymore. In fact, it seems that modern marriage is more about people setting themselves apart. They … Continue reading

What Do You Think “Family Friendly” Means?

I’m going to stick my neck out here and say that I think that most of our society is NOT family-friendly. Over the years, there have been times and places where I felt comfortable as a family—but overall, many places and situations were not particularly friendly or welcoming to a single mom with three kids in tow. Granted, my children are older now and we don’t do a lot out in public all together as a clan, and they are well-behaved enough to eat at any restaurant or attend events—but it wasn’t so long ago that I was still struggling … Continue reading

Peer Pressure

When we think of peer pressure, school aged children likely come to mind. Peer pressure doesn’t just affect those in school; adults can be affected as well. Society generally has an impact on us whether it’s how we choose to dress, how we choose to speak or how we choose to behave. Christians are no less susceptible to various pressures of temptation from the world than anyone else. Peer pressure is not exclusive to those who we directly associate with either; it can come from people on television and the internet as well. It’s important as Christians that we are … Continue reading

Topical Whensday: When Will YOU Tee On to Cause an Effect?

It’s Wednesday and a GREAT day to wear that cause related Tee Shirt that you bought to support a worthy group. Where is it now? Stuffed in the back of the cupboard or in the pyjama drawer? When will you drag it out? Today is WHENSDAY, the perfect day to find it. In Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, every Friday is Tropical Friday. A town that thrives on tropical and eco tourism, business houses, staff and individuals challenge each other to don the antithesis of formal dress: to frolic in the relaxed attire of holiday bliss, the tropical shirt and … Continue reading

Understanding Ourselves: Why We Get Married

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess and she met a handsome prince. Her beauty and goodness captivated him. His strength and kindness impressed her. He rescued her and she loved him, together they rode off into the sunset to live happily, ever after. Thus are most of our fairy tales told in order to delight and entertain our children. These stories are told so often that little girls and boys alike pretend to marry, play the prince or the princess and more. Our dreams of marriage and weddings begin very young and though time may temper that … Continue reading

American Society Favors Marriage

It’s true – our contemporary society favors marriage in almost every aspect. There’s the social acceptance related to two people living together and building a life together. Granted, people live together all the time without marriage, but for many – the social aspects are incredibly important. There are the governmental benefits such as filing your tax return jointly and there’s the employer perks that often favor married employees over singles. There’s also the joint ownership of property and social security benefits that favor spouses over a cohabitator. Marriage is Promoted Marriage is promoted through over 400 state and 1000 federal … Continue reading

Fully Rely on God

Recently I wrote a blog entitled, “The Love of Money” which focused on how Satan can use the love of money to pull man away from the Lord. Another one of Satan’s tools is tricking man into thinking that he can do everything himself, and that he does not need the Lord. This attitude is especially prevalent in America where people are taught that they should be self-sufficient, only relying on themselves. Society teaches people that they have all the tools they need to do everything for themselves and that if they need help from anything or anybody they should … Continue reading