Domestic Violence: 7 Facts to Be Aware Of

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I did a little research and with some help from outside sources like The National Domestic Violence Hotline,, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and Medline Plus in addition to articles referenced herein by other bloggers, I came up with a list of seven facts about domestic violence. 1. Domestic violence goes by other names. Such as partner abuse and spousal abuse. 2. You don’t have to be married to experience domestic violence. You don’t even necessarily need to be living with your partner to be involved in a domestic violence … Continue reading

My Spouse Hits Me – Can a Wife Abuse Her Husband?

Continue a rather downer of a theme from earlier today, I wanted to talk about spousal abuse. The most common form of spousal abuse involves a husband abusing a wife. However, a wife can abuse her husband and while this isn’t the most typical of cases, it can happen. How Can A Wife Abuse Her Husband? Abuse comes in many different forms. There’s emotional, mental and physical abuse. Women, who abuse, are more likely to use emotional and mental abuse tactics rather than physical, though they can also be physically abusive. Emotional abuse can begin as a form of emotional … Continue reading

I’m Scared To Be Alone with Him

The following is based on a personal experience I had with an abused wife. The names have been changed in an effort to protect everyone involved. The scariest part of this story is that it happens all the time and while we know that abuse occurs, it can happen right in front of us without even knowing it. Her Name Was Amy Amy lived three doors down from my family. She was a great lady and someone I would consider a very good friend. She and her husband Ed had been married for more than a decade when I knew … Continue reading