Can You Change a Flirt?

Can you change a flirt? No you can’t. But keep reading, there is still hope for the situation. If the one you are in love with is a flirt, don’t expect that once you’re married, you will be able to change him or her. It doesn’t work that way. Acting jealous won’t make them change. Giving them a taste of their own medicine is also not a good idea. It usually ends up creating even more problems. So does that mean there is nothing you can do? Basically yes. You can’t change them. The only solution is if they want … Continue reading

Why do I Get Suspicious when Things go Smoothly?

I like to think that I am an optimist at heart. When it comes to my home business and work efforts, however, I have to be honest—I tend to expect things to be rough and hard. When things are going smoothly and seem to be falling into place, I get quite skeptical. I just have this sneaky feeling that something major is about to go wrong… Many of you know by now that organization is my crutch (particularly when it comes to my business)—I depend on getting things organized and all my ducks in a row in order to make … Continue reading

Relationship Dynamics: Avoid Jealousy

Jealousy is perhaps one of the most unattractive feelings a person can experience. You may think it’s one of the worst things that can happen to a relationship, but it happens to a person before it happens to a relationship. When the green-eyed monster affects a person it can change their behavior, triggering a nasty attitude and unkind words. Snippy comments can become vile and jealousy itself can alter perceptions of the person experiencing it. Suddenly, everything a spouse does can be seen as suspicious. Even the most normal of behaviors, things that would not be seen as out of … Continue reading