For the Strength of Youth Series: Language

Have you ever noticed that you can tell a LOT about a person by how they speak and what they say? I’m an observer by nature, and I’ve spent a lot of time listening to people and I’ve noticed over and over again that language is a key indicator of the type of person I’m listening to. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet points out several things about language that I personally appreciate including the statement that “how you speak says much about who you are.” The pamphlet gives some good direction on things you should do regarding language. … Continue reading

Do You Punish Your Kids For Swearing?

If you do, then you might want to rethink your discipline strategy, especially if it includes washing your kid’s mouth out with soap. My parents made the popular soap-eating threat on numerous occasions while I was growing up, though thankfully, they never had to follow through. Such is not the case with a Florida family, who recently made headlines for taking the soap punishment to extremes. According to news reports, Florida police jailed and charged Wilfredo Rivera and Adriyanna Herdener with neglect of a child and child abuse for forcing an eight-year-old girl to chew on soap after she swore … Continue reading

Cursing as Pain Management

Have a foul mouth? It might actually benefit you when it comes to pain management. A study from Keele University in England took a look at how an outburst of swearing can help people deal with pain. Sixty-seven college students took part in the initial study. First, they were asked for their five favorite curses — things they might say after accidentally whacking a thumb with a hammer. I know what I’d say in that situation, and it’s not pretty! The students were then asked to hold one hand in icy water for as long as they could bear it. … Continue reading

When Kids are Exposed to Bad Language (Outside the Home)

For some families cursing and swearing is not a big deal, while for others, how people speak is very important. Unfortunately, even if you are very careful how you speak within your house and even if you are successful in banning cursing and bad language within the family walls, children will be exposed to bad language out and about. How much control can a parent have and how can we counter the bad language a child may be exposed to? Unless we live in a remote area or under a rock, our children will be exposed to unsavory language. They … Continue reading

Hints for Avoiding Objectionable Content in Books

Every reader has their own boundaries when it comes to content in books. Some prefer to read books with no language and no violence at all. Others will tolerate a small amount of mild swearing, while others really aren’t bothered by much of anything. Isn’t it great that we have such a wide range of literature to choose from, that we can all find things we like? For readers who prefer their content to be on the mild side, I offer the following tips on book sorting, assuming you’re at the library or bookstore and want to reduce your chances … Continue reading

Movie News: Cursing Doesn’t Pay

Believe it or not PG-rated movies that included the least amount of profanity made the most money at U.S. box offices. Are you shocked by the news? It’s true; at least according to a new study by the Nielsen Company, which tracked PG-rated movies and calculated how much profanity was used in each. The research firm says it cross-referenced box office data on 400 films in wide-release from the fall of 2005 to the fall of 2007. Nielsen controlled for marketing and production budgets of films, as well as depictions of violence and sex and found movies that scored an … Continue reading


Likely we’ve all done it or heard it; during the intensity of a moment one curses as if letting pressure out of a volcano. Some have even adopted curse words into their regular vocabulary out of habit. Swearing, cursing, cussing, bad words, they’re almost everywhere from the door of the home, to television, to bumper stickers. A person’s sensitivity to certain words probably has a lot to do with their environment. I have never heard a bad word come out of my mom’s mouth (my dad was a different story). Saying the Lord’s name in vain while growing up was … Continue reading

Oaths and the Bible

Probably most of us have heard the controversy around Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to be elected to serve in the United States Congress, who had announced he would not be taking his ceremonial oath of office on the Bible as traditionally done—-even by non-Christians and Jews. He had instead expressed his wish to take his oath on the Koran. This has become a controversial issue because according to the belief of many Muslims and Islamic scholar Imam Ghazali, to lie is basically justified as long as it is for Allah or the for the sake of the religion (Ahmad … Continue reading