How to Sweep 2

Okay, so we have got the basics out of the way when it comes to how to sweep quickly and efficiently. Now here is more, including notes on technique and how to pick that dirt up. Sweep this way While sweeping may seem somewhat instinctive, you’ll have better results if you hold the broom with one hand on top of the handle and the other hand toward the middle of the broom. Think of it as though you are holding a canoe paddle. To get a good sweeping done, push your hands in opposite directions. This will give you a … Continue reading

Home Chore List: Weekly Cleaning Chores (2)

Ready for the rest of the weekly cleaning chores? It is Monday, which is a great day of the week to get started, if you haven’t already been following our home chore lists. Just to recap, here is the list of the weekly chores that we have so far. You can check out the previous article, Home Chore List: Weekly Cleaning Chores (1) to get details about these chores, including tips that will make them easier to tackle. And don’t worry, at the end of the series, we will have an easy to print lisk of all of the chore … Continue reading

Mother’s Day Cleaning Tips?

Mother’s Day cleaning tips…allow me to clarify. In no way am I suggesting that moms should be cleaning on this day of days. This blog is meant for husbands, children, or basically anyone looking to make mom happy by taking over the household chores (if only for a day). If you took the suggestion made in the “Kids Crafts Blog” about making mom a coupon redeemable for a day’s worth (ok, an hour’s worth) of cleaning, then consider these tips a gift from me to you: · Don’t forget the corners. Cobwebs love corners. Go around the house with a … Continue reading