Digital Photography 101: Let’s Review—Photo Printing

Many people getting sucked into the digital photography vortex spend much of their time researching cameras and not nearly as much time reviewing what’s needed to get those fabulous shots out of their handheld devices and into their photo albums. In the continuing series “Digital Photography 101” I spent a number of days reviewing printing options for digital camera owners. If you’ve missed any of the blogs in this series I’ve provided a synopsis of each and a link to the full article so that you may view it in its entirety. Digital Photography 101: Printing Your Pictures One of … Continue reading

What Are You Forgetting To Photograph In Your Child’s Life

Sometimes we overlook the obvious. We might be so keen on capturing events and experiences, celebrations and holidays, that we forget the other things that are important to remember. When we have children, we want our children to remember every positive aspect of their childhood. There is nothing wrong with that. However, I am quite sure there are some things you might not have thought of, or that you might wish to capture now. These photographs can be commemorated in a single scrapbook layout or in a group page of like items. If you are looking for more opportunities to … Continue reading

10 Most Common Photo Mistakes Scrapbookers Make (1)

There is no right or wrong way to scrapbook. Layouts are a creative outlet for most, and can be done any way a scrapbooker is inspired to create it. However, the photos the scrapbooker uses, need to be the best quality they can be. Often, they make or break the final layout. Here are five of the top ten most common photo mistakes that scrapbookers make, and how they can be avoided. Forgetting the camera – Alright, we have all done it. Either carry a disposable camera, or purchase one that can fit into your purse. Try to be sure … Continue reading

Capture the Essence of Christmas With Your Camera

Capturing the spirit of Christmas is important to evoking memories for years to come. So what are you supposed to take pictures of? I can help. I’ve already given you some ideas for the month of December and Christmas eve, but now I’d like to focus on Christmas morning and day. Many people forget to grab the camera and take photographs of even the mundane things on a special occasion. But if you read these tips and try to memorize them, you might actually remember to grab the camera and get that perfect holiday shot! Christmas Morning/Day Take photos of: … Continue reading