Til Death Do Us Part … That’s Easy

When you get married in a traditional ceremony, one of the vows they ask you to make is to love and cherish each other and keeping yourself only unto each other ’til death do you part. The ‘til death do you part’ portion of the vows is actually easy. Before you scoff, think about it – do you know a couple who are married who seem to have very little in common, very little to say to each other and do very little together – yet, they remain married and in that relationship because they committed to ‘til death do … Continue reading

Permission to Change

When you get married, a lot of people focus on the idea of the life you will build with your spouse. They focus on what you each bring to the marriage and how much happier you will be together. What is worth remarking on is that while a couple makes a pledge to grow old together, they do not necessarily understand that by saying grow old alongside of me, you are tacitly saying they have your permission to experience life and its changes as they happen. I am not just talking about hairlines receding or cosmetic color changes to hairstyle. … Continue reading