Vanishing Twin Syndrome

With the invention of medical technology and the practice of performing sonograms on mothers as early as 5-6 weeks, doctors are noticing a new trend. Mothers will appear to be carrying twins but another sonogram done later in the pregnancy only finds one fetus. Doctors are now estimating that approximately 1 in every 8 pregnancies could have begun as a twin pregnancy. Vanishing twin syndrome is when an early sonogram confirms the presence of two sacs and a subsequent sonogram confirms there is only one sac, or that the other twin has vanished. Generally, the result is a normal and … Continue reading

10 Things to Know When You Find Out There’s More than One!

Before starting this blog, I just want to offer a congratulations to Pattie who is recovering from just having had her baby! I plan on guest blogging here for a little while about pregnancy with multiples. We are all wishing Pattie the best with her new little bundle and look forward to her return here at the Pregnancy blog! I knew from the very beginning that I was having twins. I can’t really explain it, I just knew the pregnancy was different. My husband on the other hand, was skeptic. He thought I was just getting older. But I knew, … Continue reading