First Aid for Nausea

Thankfully, nausea doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to throw up. Nausea is the sensation that accompanies the urge to vomit. Other feelings that may show up with nausea (feeling sick to your stomach) can include: feeling weak or sweaty and having too much saliva in your mouth. Sometimes, nausea (and vomiting) is a sign of some other illness. Common causes for nausea can include: a virus, food poisoning, stress and other mental health issues, some medications, migraines, inner ear issues, drug and/or alcohol abuse, and pregnancy. Occasional nausea can often be treated at home. Here are some things to try: … Continue reading

Too Much Turkey? Five Quick Remedies!

Thanksgiving Day is one holiday when overeating runs rampant. Let’s face it: most gatherings involve food in one way or another, but the Thanksgiving feast is the main event when it comes to pigging out. (Or should I say… turkeying out?) But before you eat your weight in turkey and then collapse onto the couch to watch football in a stupor, try these quick remedies to ease that overstuffed belly. Encourage gas… from either end. A loud belch or toot might not be polite for company, but it can ease the pressure in your over-full belly. Sip a fizzy drink … Continue reading

Four Tips for Settling a Nervous Stomach

When my dogs have an upset stomach, I know just what to do: cook up a pot of white rice, mix it with some chicken broth, and serve it up. But when I’m dealing with my own nervous stomach, the solution isn’t quite so easy. A “nervous stomach” is often a symptom of stress… at least, it is for me! As the stress level in my life goes up (I feel like I’m at Stresscon Five right now), my stomach wants to join the party. Sometimes, I lose my appetite. More often, the problem shows up at the end of … Continue reading

Probiotics for Pets?

Doggie digestion is a subject near and dear to my heart — thanks to my dog Moose and his very sensitive stomach. According to a recent article in Scientific American, GI issues are one of the top problems dog owners bring to the vet’s office (skin issues are tops on the list, according to a professor from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville). I can believe it! There’s a wide range of stuff that can cause gastrointestinal distress — everything from “garbage gut” (getting sick after eating stuff they shouldn’t) to parasites to infection and more. … Continue reading

Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Pets

After my dogs’ recent struggles with upset stomachs, I started looking into possible causes. Moose had been scrounging abandoned food (like chicken bones) around the parking lot. Maybe they changed the recipe on our dog food. The neighbors have a new puppy, could Moose and Lally have caught something from an unvaccinated dog? In my research, I came across information about inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel disease can appear in both dogs and cats, and it thought to be a type of allergic reaction to certain foods. The main symptom is pudding-like diarrhea that lasts for weeks or even months … Continue reading

Two Upset Tummies (and One Upset Aimee)

Over the weekend, I noticed that Moose wasn’t feeling well. My first indication? He threw up in the office. That was just the beginning of what has turned into a very long few days of recurring barf and poop. I was sure at first that Moose’s upset tummy was the result of scarfing down those chicken bones in the parking lot. I cooked up some rice and chicken broth and hoped things in digestion-land would settle down. By Monday morning, Moose seemed to be feeling better. I started mixing kibbles in with the rice and broth. But I was being … Continue reading

Quick Household Remedies for Stomach Problems

You don’t always have to turn to the drug store when you’ve eaten something that doesn’t agree with you. There are plenty of things around the house that can help ease an upset stomach! Feeling nauseated? Having a bout of indigestion? Try this: Sip ginger ale. Any flat soda can help settle your stomach, but ginger has long been used in easing stomach problems. Try a spoonful of the syrup from a can of fruit. Many over-the-counter stomach remedies are mostly sugar anyway! Suck on a peppermint or chew mint gum. Mint is another stomach settler, and the act of … Continue reading