
Gastroenteritis — irritation and/or inflammation of the stomach and intestines — is a common cause for nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Other symptoms can include a low grade fever, bloating, and cramping. Lots of things can cause a bout of gastroenteritis, but the two most common culprits are viruses and bacteria. Bacterial versions can last a week or more; viral versions are mild in comparison and last just a few days. Some bacterial causes of gastroenteritis can include: E. coli, salmonella. Some viral causes of gastroenteritis can include: adenoviruses, rotaviruses, and noroviruses. In fact, the norovirus (also known as Norwalk virus … Continue reading

First Aid for Vomiting

Call it what you will: barfing, throwing up, driving the porcelain bus, morning sickness… vomiting is no fun. Want to get technical? Vomiting is the expulsion of the stomach contents through the esophagus and out the mouth. (And sometimes the nose, too. Whee!) Why is vomiting sometimes a good thing? It can get toxins out of the body and help ease stomach discomfort. Better out than in, as they say. Why is vomiting sometimes a bad thing? It’s gross. (Okay, that’s not medically bad, but I can’t think of any illness that makes me feel worse than throwing up.) The … Continue reading

First Aid for Nausea

Thankfully, nausea doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to throw up. Nausea is the sensation that accompanies the urge to vomit. Other feelings that may show up with nausea (feeling sick to your stomach) can include: feeling weak or sweaty and having too much saliva in your mouth. Sometimes, nausea (and vomiting) is a sign of some other illness. Common causes for nausea can include: a virus, food poisoning, stress and other mental health issues, some medications, migraines, inner ear issues, drug and/or alcohol abuse, and pregnancy. Occasional nausea can often be treated at home. Here are some things to try: … Continue reading

Home Remedies for Nausea

The last time I was on antibiotics, I was very sensitive to sunlight. This time around, I’m having a hard time with nausea. It’s been bad enough that I actually did end up throwing up. Yuck! Everyone I’ve mentioned this to had a different remedy for me to try. A coworker gave me flat soda to drink. My mom suggested eating dry toast. A friend offered me Pepto, but after tossing my antibiotics, I didn’t want to take any more medication that might come back to haunt me. So what can you do for nausea (whether it’s related to medications … Continue reading

What is it about Moose and Summer?

Oh yes, it’s time for another thrilling installment of How My Dog Moose Tried to Scare Me to Death. A quick recap: in June of 2007, Moose slipped his collar and got hit by a car. He broke his tail very close to the base of his spine, and had to have the whole thing removed. In July of last year, he started throwing up blood clots thanks to a giardia infestation. Once again, the warm weather brings out the worst in Moose. My poor boy has always had a sensitive stomach, so I’m pretty familiar with how to handle … Continue reading

Moose Gives Me Another Heart Attack

My dog Moose is what you might call “accident prone”. When we first moved to Oregon, he got attacked at the dog park and ended up needing stitches inside his ear. About a week after he got his stitches out, he slipped his collar and chased a cat into the street and got hit by a car. It’s been a while since we had an adventure — but he saved up a good one. On Sunday afternoon, I came home from work to find that one of the dogs had thrown up bile and blood clots in the living room. … Continue reading

Spring is the Season of Green… Barf

I think my dogs Moose and Lally are jealous. With spending so much time interviewing writer friends lately, I haven’t been talking about them as much. Somebody’s jealous. Somebody came up with a GREAT way to get featured in a blog: barf a mysterious green liquid in the living room while I was in the shower. I always know something is up if one or both of the dogs is in the bathroom with me when I’m done in the shower. Usually, they avoid it like the plague. Running water? Soap? That could mean a dreaded bath! Today, Lally greeted … Continue reading

When Is Vomiting An Emergency?

One truth of pet ownership: you’re going to have to deal with barf. And poop. And sometimes both. There’s nothing quite like waking up to the sound of a hairball in progress, or a beloved pet yakking up her latest meal. Most times, vomiting or diarrhea isn’t an emergency. Sometimes pets just eat something that doesn’t sit right, or eat too fast, or just get too excited or nervous. Moose tends to get diarrhea after spending an afternoon running around with the energetic puppy Casey. All that play is just too much for his system to handle! Lally will sometimes … Continue reading