Hurry Up and Wait

I’ve been joking lately that I’d like to take the next step in figuring out my health mystery soon — and not “soon” in dog years. Things feel like they’re moving very slowly. To recap: just before New Year’s, I had a physical and pelvic exam. Because my uterus was enlarged, the nurse midwife suspected I had fibroids. She ordered an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. But the ultrasound results were unclear… so the plan is to hand me off to a specialist for further testing. It hasn’t quite been a month since the pelvic exam and original diagnosis… but … Continue reading

Cutting Down on Time Spent Waiting

Time management and making the most of the time we are given in a day is one of the chief challenges of single parenting. We spread ourselves around and as the solo adult in our household; have quite a bit to tend to. One of the realities that can “eat up” valuable time in a busy day is having to wait—we wait at the doctor’s or dentist’s office, wait on line, wait in traffic. If the average person figured out how much time she spends waiting, she might get incredibly discouraged at all the wasted time. What can be done … Continue reading

Cut Down Wait Times at the Doctor’s Office

If it feels like you spend the whole day waiting when you’ve got a doctor’s appointment, you’re not alone. In a fast-paced world, it can be hard to sit back and wait — especially when your health is concerned. Here are some tips that can help cut down on your wait times when you have a doctor’s appointment. Be prepared beforehand. Have your medical history (it may be easier to have your history written out before you go), copies of test results and discharge information from other doctors, and a current medication list. Bringing x-rays and other test results can … Continue reading

Book review: A Quilt of Wishes

A Quilt of Wishes is a charming little book. It tells how, while a baby girl sleeps in China, her mother waits across the ocean, wondering about her baby. She finds an old quilt that her mother had made for her, and hopes that her baby is warm and loved. She decides to make a quilt for her baby. She uses her own old baby clothes, and friends learn about the project and make squares for the baby’s quilt. They send wishes for the new baby and for the family’s happiness, which the mother repeats to herself as she sews. … Continue reading

Book Review: Bringing Asha Home

The long wait common in international adoptions can seem inconceivable to children. When their mother is pregnant, older children can see that the baby is there, see the mother’s belly growing and hear the baby’s heartbeat at the mother’s doctor visits. They can be given an approximate date for the baby’s arrival, or at least a general time frame like “just after next Valentine’s Day”. In an international adoption, there is no such certainty and no markers along the way. A children’s book which is unique in addressing this aspect of international adoption is Bringing Asha Home, by Uma Krishnaswami, … Continue reading

Waiting Prayerfully

To wait prayerfully means allowing God to speak to you through His Word and through a time of prayer. For my devotional time I have a journal which I keep for my reflections on the bible passages I read. My bible is littered with dates written next to verses where God has spoken to me. These journals go back years and take up a lot of room in our house. But I would never part with them. Memory is at times a fickle thing. Since my journals are all dated and indexed, I can go back and see exactly what … Continue reading

Waiting Actively

When you’re in a position of having to wait for anything in your life, how do you respond? My husband and I have learned the importance of keeping in touch with the Lord. While waiting for God to resolve our situation, we started reading the bible together each day, something we’d previously neglected. This time reading God’s Word has become a great blessing. Just how precious it is hit home to me recently, while I was away for several days at a convention. It left a huge hole in my life. We readily got back to our study as soon … Continue reading

Waiting Effectively

How good are you at waiting? I have to admit to never being good at waiting. Waiting is an area many of us find hard to cope with. Even that great man of faith and friend of God, Abraham found waiting hard. Yes, he was obedient to God in going out from his home to the land God showed him. Yes, he believed God’s promise to make of him a great nation, to bless him, and make his name great so he would be a blessing to many. Genesis 12:2-3. Years passed and nothing happened regarding descendants, so Abraham (or … Continue reading

Each Case is So Different

One of the most frustrating things I’d hear after asking how long it takes to adopt was, “It depends; each case is so different.” I didn’t get why this answer kept getting thrown at me since I knew a bit about the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (ASFA) which provides somewhat of a time line for cases to be processed. I knew each case was different, but I’d hoped to hear more about deadlines and statistics for adoptions in our state. Since 2001 I have been involved with a few different state adoption support groups. I find myself … Continue reading

Biblical Encouragement for Those in Waiting

The holiday times were by far the most difficult for me to bear while waiting for our boys. I know there are others that can relate to the longing feeling around this time as well. To be honest, I’m not sure how I would have sustained sanity without my faith in Christ and His ability during the dark period in my life of waiting to be a mother. Perhaps the most inspirational book of the Bible for me during this time was the Book of Psalms. David committed sins beyond what most of us have, was loved by God and … Continue reading