Two of the Biggest Ways American’s Waste Money In The Kitchen

There are so many ways Americans waste money every day. Sometimes, when I see how other families spend their money, I want to cringe. But the thing is, saving money is a personal choice. However, there are a lot of ways that you can save money on food costs, just by changing a few habits. Eating Out Eating out has become an American past time. In fact, American’s do it far more than any other country. However, it is a wallet slimmer every time. A meal for five at a restaurant, depending on what type you have chosen can cost … Continue reading

The Twenty Biggest Wastes of Your Money

There are ways to save money, and there are ways to waste money. This list of twenty of the biggest money wasters was compiled from various sources, but one thing remains the same. Cut these out of your everyday life and you will find yourself with money that you just didn’t have before. These are the top twenty biggest money wasters. These are the things that people sell you or you put your hard earned cash into, that just don’t have a payoff in any way shape or form at the end. Lotteries – Playing the lottery is one of … Continue reading