Christians and Gossip Part 1

We’ve all had it happen: A friend walks up to you or calls you and tells you a juicy piece of information that sends your head spinning. You immediately think of a person you would like to share the information with and then, your friend’s final words come to you, “Oh, and please don’t say anything to anybody. I don’t know if I was supposed to tell anyone or not.” Ah yes, we’ve all found ourselves in the gossip-mill before. It’s funny, or maybe it’s not so funny, that when we hear a piece of gossip we have a tremendous … Continue reading

The Words

The words. The words of the songs I sing each Sunday in my worship of the Lord, the Creator of the universe. The words. Do the words I sing matter? Do I know what words I am singing? Do I really need to understand the meaning of all those words? Do I really need to understand the meaning of what I am singing? Does it really matter if I am paying attention to the words that are coming off my lips? I strongly believe that the words of the songs I sing in worship matter. It is important that the … Continue reading

The Power of the Tongue

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” How sadly untrue this statement is! Anyone who’s endured verbal and emotional abuse will likely say otherwise. There is so much power in our words. It’s not dirty looks or gestures that are likely to start wars. As far as I’ve known, wars have started over words; disputes, arguments, etc… Bible teacher and author Joyce Meyer has a book with a title I couldn’t resist called, Me and My Big Mouth! Your Answer is Right Under Your Nose. This book takes you through the scriptures of the … Continue reading

Insuring Words: Plagiarism, Copyright and Publication

Plagiarism and copyright infringement has become an important liability for any writer, website owner or business with publications to consider in the modern world of media. Never before have ordinary people, citizens of the world or well educated members of a society had more freedom of speech then we do today. Personal websites, journals and Blogs have made it possible for anyone to say what they think, feel or believe. The freedom of the Internet, and home publication tools we have today, make it possible to get our ideas and words into the hands, and eyes of nearly any target … Continue reading

TV’s Top Buzzwords

Do you watch “The Colbert Report?” If you do then you may be familiar with the following words: “Truthiness” and “Wikiality.” The show’s host, political satirist, Stephen Colbert, uses both words quite frequently. So, much so that they were named two of the “top television buzzwords of the year” by the word-trend group Global Language Monitor. Each year the group compiles a list of words used on television that has made an impact on our language. For example, according to Global Language Monitor the word (or name) “Katrina” now refers to continuing news coverage about the hurricane’s destruction. The word … Continue reading

Decorating a Journal (3)

It’s not time to actually begin your journal. If you a true scrapbooker, you want this to be a true reflection of yourself and show off your personality a bit. Of course we can record the everyday mundane things, but try to spice it up a little. Here are a few examples on how: Include Pictures Yep, just adhere them right to your page and journal around them. Either use up duplicates, or take a few new ones. Cut out of magazines, photos that interest you or set a mood for how you feel that day. If you have a … Continue reading

Cat Got Your Tongue? Nasty Thought

As we consider the cat’s place in our modern language (for we already know where they stand in our hearts), we become increasingly aware of odd phrases and expressions that surely came down to us from somewhere. Unlike other types of hand-me-downs, some of these metaphors are more obscure than others, and in this case, its exact origins may never be known. Why are you not talking? Have you nothing to say? That is what “cat got your tongue?” has come to mean in modern usage. Although none agree as to where it came from, most historians of the written … Continue reading

Adoption Search Glossary

When you are beginning an adoption search, things can seem confusing and intimidating. You will come across all types of red tape, unhelpful people and doors slammed in your face. However, remain strong. Do a little research beforehand to know what problems you might face each step of the way. One of the first things I learned was that terminology was totally different for an adoption case than any other situation. I had no idea what the difference between my original birth certificate and my amended certificate was. I also had no idea what or who a triad was. I … Continue reading

Journaling: Childrens Thoughts and Words

The Journaling Queen is at it again. My love of journaling has led me to find new ways to use it in my scrapbooking. Over the years, I have enjoyed doing layouts including thoughts, stories or words that came “out of the mouths of my own babes”. Adding journaling to your pages in your children’s own thoughts and words is a nice way to commemorate the cute things they said or think. contributed by Michelle Suave` Toddlers Toddlers provide an interesting challenge. Usually you cannot just ask them questions and have them answer you in nice lengthy journal worthy sentences. … Continue reading

Hawaiian 101: “Was that Mauka or Makai?”

The Hawaiian language is rich in history and melodious. And while it is no longer the primary language spoken in the islands (English is), if you are planning a trip to Hawaii there are some basic Hawaiian words you should learn before you go. I was born and raised in Hawaii and I can tell you that getting acquainted with the following words will aid you in your travels and endear you to the locals. Aloha (ah-loh-ha)—-A warm expression to greet people with. It means “hello,” “goodbye,” and “love.” You’ll hear it a lot at luaus and when you are … Continue reading