Earn Money Selling Children’s Clothing

Selling children’s clothing can be an easy way to earn money! You can make your own hours and work as much or as little as you like. Whether you need an income that will allow you to stay home with children, a fun project that will earn money, or some extra cash to put toward debt, consider earning money by selling children’s clothing. How to Get Started The nice thing about selling children’s clothing is that, if you have children, you can start with the items that they have outgrown! This means that initially, there is no cost to you. … Continue reading

Working From Home Gives You Variety

As I just said, I have been pleasantly surprised that working from home this go-’round has actually gone really well. I am able to be a hermit when I don’t feel like being nice, which is Really Nice Benefit Number One, and Really Nice Benefit Number Two is the variety of the work that I do. Since I have come home to work, I have blogged (here, of course, and then I also have a personal blog that deals with politics – see my bio for more info.) I have also written copy for websites, edited sales letters, done lots … Continue reading

To Work at Home or to Not Work at Home: That is the Question

Okay, so I’m not nearly as funny as I think I am, but despite that horrible headline I just wrote, I do hope y’all get something out of this blog. I wanted to write today because I’ve been thinking lately about my choice back in March to come back home to go to work. It was basically going to be an “in between time” while I waited for school to start in May, so I could become an elementary school teacher. Last time I had worked from home, it was as a transcriptionist, and because I didn’t like transcribing, I … Continue reading

Encore: Q&A of a Working QA, Part Two

If you missed Part One, check it out here. Again, here’s Laura, a working MT and QA gal: Do you work full-time or part-time, and why? I work full time because I need full-time pay. We have a tiered system where the higher your line counts, the higher your rate of pay is. Working full time allows me to reach the higher line counts and the higher pay scale. What is the best part of being an MT and/or QA? The best part of being an MT is the freedom. My current job allows me to be at home without … Continue reading

Encore: Q&A of a Working MT, Part One

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. This is the question and answer of Sheila, a working MT. If you missed the introduction to this, please check this out. Sheila is a terrific MT, and when I was trying to decide who to interview, my thoughts naturally drifted to her. If I could choose who would transcribe my medical reports at a hospital, Sheila would be at the top of the list. If … Continue reading

Staying at Home with the Kids and Working as a Transcriptionist, Part Four

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. Missed part three? Check it out here! Otherwise, read on to find out how to bring the ideas listed before all together to work for you. Many mothers use a combination of these techniques: They work after the kids go to sleep for an hour, they work during naptime, they have the kids watch their favorite show in the afternoon and they work during that show, … Continue reading

Staying at Home with the Kids and Working as a Transcriptionist, Part Three

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. Missed part two? Check it out here! Otherwise, read on to find out some ideas on how to deal with children underfoot while working: Close the door and put a sign up, “Mother Working, Disturb ONLY if Blood is Involved.” This requires your children to be old enough to basically police themselves–you would obviously not want to do this with a toddler. Mothers have done this, … Continue reading

Staying at Home with the Kids and Working as a Transcriptionist, Part Two

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. Missed part one? Check it out here! Otherwise, read on to find out some ideas on how to deal with children underfoot while working: Work during the kid’s naps. This is only if your children are young enough to still be taking naps. Many mothers plan on nap time to get stuff done, but many times they don’t know how long their kids will sleep or … Continue reading

Staying at Home with the Kids and Working as a Transcriptionist, Part One

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. I know that I said that the medical transcription series was done, but I started to think about it, and I realized that I never wrote any blogs about how to deal with children while working as a transcriptionist. We did talk about how most of the medical transcription work done in America is done at home, and did cover the flexibility and the types of … Continue reading

Why do You Want to Become a Medical Transcriptionist? Part Two

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. We already covered why most people want to become a medical transcriptionist (so they can work at home) and the fact that I personally got into the MT field for this very reason. I thought that listing some good reasons to become an MT, and some bad ones, would be helpful to those who are trying to make this decision for themselves. Good reasons to become … Continue reading