Do You Have a Business-Friendly Family?

We talk about how important it can be to have a family-friendly business when one is starting a home business and trying to raise a family, but we do not often give much thought to whether or not our family is actually ready and supportive of a business. Some families and family households are just not conducive to supporting a home business. It might be a worthwhile question to ask yourself if your family is friendly, encouraging and supportive of your business? I know that we cannot expect really young children to understand or have patience for our work when … Continue reading

Natural Daylight is Important in Your Work Space

What’s all the fuss about natural daylight? In recent years, there have been numerous studies about the healing qualities of natural light and how depressed, sick, and stressed people can get when they don’t get enough natural daylight. Working away in a dark basement can be bad for your health! I am not going to pretend to understand all the research about various types of lighting and light rhythm cycles and such things–but what I do know is that I feel better when I get plenty of exposure to natural daylight while I’m working. There is a reason why the … Continue reading

More Tips On Job Targets

Oscar Wilde once said, “The only difference between caprice and a life-long passion is that caprice lasts a little bit longer.” Don’t feel that way about your search for the perfect job. It’s out they’re, buried under apprehensions, misgivings, misguided intentions and undeveloped goals and aspirations. How can you establish the job targets most helpful to you in your job search? Why are they so elusive? Read on for some thoughts by a non-authority on a most difficult subject. Many people will often say that they don’t care what industry they end up working in, but when they really think … Continue reading

Be a Self-Starter at Work

One of the largest assets to any company is an employee who is a self-starter. The self-starter is a dying breed and they are becoming harder and harder to find. Why make such a big deal about being a self-starter? Well, it is a big deal because it is one of the key traits that employers are looking for in their employees. If you want a job, then you need to exhibit this trait. Sadly, most people are not self-starters. The good news, however, is that everyone has the potential to become a self-starter if they put their minds to … Continue reading