How to Keep the Idea Well Primed, Part Two

Part One was posted yesterday, in case you missed it. Yesterday, I talked about keeping an idea file in your computer. Today, I wanted to talk about some ideas particular to being a blogger. First off, asks that you write a Week-in-Review blog each week, for the previous week (from Saturday to Friday.) If you want to see a Week-in-Review from the Jobs blog, check one out here. I have found that since the set-up is the same each week (Lisa asks that all Review blogs follow the same outline, which she gives to you) I can simply … Continue reading

How to Keep the Idea Well Primed, Part One

This is part of an ongoing series about becoming a blogger for If you missed the beginning of it, please check it out here. Yesterday, I talked about the magical moment you’ve been waiting for: Getting hired by Lisa! As I explained yesterday, there is usually a waiting period between when you get hired and when you start posting the blogs, though, which is the perfect time to stockpile blogs. Many people apply for a topic because they love it, but once they get hired, they get overwhelmed with the thought of having to write about this same topic … Continue reading