It’s Official: She Has Thrush

After debating whether my baby had thrush and trying natural, preventative measures just in case, I finally took her to the doctor. The spots in her mouth weren’t spreading, but they also weren’t getting better. In addition, I had been warned by midwives and lactation consultants that thrush, if passed to the mother’s breast, can be extremely painful for the mother. So off we went, and, sure enough, it was thrush. Luckily, her pediatrician told us that we caught it very early. We went straight from the doctor to pick up prescriptions for Nystatin – one for her mouth, one … Continue reading

Why Did My Baby Get Thrush?

No one knows. There, satisfied? I’m guessing not. Seriously, though, it can be difficult to pinpoint why babies come down with thrush. There are some things we know for sure concerning thrush. We know that thrush is an overgrowth of the yeast, called candida, found in every person’s body. We know that infants are more susceptible to thrush because their immune systems aren’t fully developed and they are in the process of developing a healthy balance of fungi and bacteria in their bodies. As far as why certain babies get thrush while others do not, there are a lot of … Continue reading

Yeast Infections in Pregnancy

Yeast infections are a common discomfort during pregnancy. For some women, they occur more frequently during pregnancy than at any other time. The exact reasons for this are unclear. One theory is that the changing hormone levels create an atmosphere more favorable to the growth of yeast. Another theory is that the immune system decreases, allowing for the overgrowth of yeast. The symptoms of a yeast infection include: itching, burning and redness. You may notice a thick, white discharge. In some cases, swelling can result from a yeast infection. You may experience pain during intercourse or a burning sensation when … Continue reading