Stop Binge Eating – Part 1

Do you binge eat?  I know I do.  I’ll promise myself that this is it – I am going to stop eating so much and start exercising.  Next thing I know, I am sitting in my recliner, stuffing a pepperoni pizza in my face and watching television.  Not a good plan! But, how can you stop it?  First, you need to realize that some dieticians frown on diets because they are not teaching you healthy lifestyle changes.  If you are thinking of going on the Atkins Diet and sit there thinking “I can never have another piece of bread, ever … Continue reading

Top 10 Tips for a Home Business

Whether you are thinking of just starting a home business or you are already running one, these top 10 home business tips can help. Tip number 1 is to put the word “no” into your vocabulary. This word can easily be eliminated when you are starting up a home business because you want to take advantage of every opportunity you can. When I first started my writing career, I jumped at everything that came my way. But even after I established myself as a writer, I still kept taking on additional things. Giving of some of those things was one … Continue reading

5 Fitness Tips

A fit lifestyle encompasses so much more than just eating right and exercising. You can be doing those two things but if you fail to meet any of the following 5 fitness tips, it could be slowing down your progress or even defeating what you are doing. While we don’t think much about the need for sleep when it comes to fitness, it really is a vital part of your fitness plan. So my first tip is to get enough sleep. Now of course we have all heard that we should get an average of 8 hours of sleep. However … Continue reading

Tips On Healthy Eating

Fitness is about more than just exercise. After all, for several months I was exercising on a fairly regular basis; however I wasn’t seeing any real results. This was because I hadn’t made any changes to my diet. Once I began working on that, I started to get somewhere. There can be a lot of confusion about the proper diet to eat. One week you hear something is great for you and then the next you are told it’s harmful. Low-fat, no-fat, carbohydrates, proteins…it can all become overwhelming. Eating healthy can also become monotonous if you are selecting the same … Continue reading

Being Frugal Is A Way Of Life – New FL Blogger Intro

Finally, I’m writing my Frugal Living introduction post. Better late than never, I always say. I wanted to say hello to my fellow FL living blogger Mary Ann Romans, and all of new bloggers. Since starting with this website about a month ago I’ve been having a lot of fun writing in my various topics. Being able to share and learn is a wonderful thing. As the title of my blog today states, being frugal truly is a way of life, not just one area of it. Many times someone may start out counting pennies in the area of … Continue reading

Top Tips for a Lasting Marriage from Those Who Know.

Want to learn some secrets to a lasting marriage from a couple who know what they are talking about? Then read on. Despite experiencing good and bad times, and life’s ups and downs, Bill and Muriel McGee this week celebrated 60 years of married life. This achievement earned them congratulatory cards from Queen Elizabeth 2nd and the Governor General of Australia, as well as a bouquet of flowers from our local politician Jo Gash. So to what do Bill and Muriel attribute their long and lasting marriage? 1. ‘You have to share.’ 2. ‘It’s all about give and take.’ 3. … Continue reading

Part 2 of Top Tips for Communicating Effectively

Today I am continuing the tips for communicating effectively which I started yesterday. 7. Pick the right time One I mentioned the other day was about picking the right time. Not when your spouse is doing something else. We did have that conversation when Mick raised it the next day so he had heard it, and he was his usual encouraging and supportive self. Although sometimes driving on the car can work if you’re not in traffic and needing to concentrate a lot. It often works well with children and teenagers too, so long as they’re not the ones driving. … Continue reading

Toddler Travel Tips

If you can barely make it to the grocery store with your toddler in the backseat and your sanity intact, then you may want to take note of the following travel tips aimed at making your summer road trip a lot less bumpy: BREAK IT UP Not the fights between kids in the backseat. I’m referring to long car rides. Travel experts recommend stopping every three hours or so and allowing your toddler to run around at pre-selected rest areas. Pack a ball to play with and use the time to visit the restroom. You can also schedule a pit … Continue reading

More Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy

Given that you can’t work out when you are sick, it’s a good idea to do what you can to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. In a previous blog I noted that germs can cause anything from a runny nose to a life-threatening disease. To avoid falling ill and compromising your regular fitness routine, consider the following tips to keep bacteria at bay: Filthy Fridge When was the last time you cleaned your refrigerator? Not just to throw out spoiled food, but to deep clean the frosty kitchen appliance from top to bottom? A recent survey found that … Continue reading

Frugal Car Repair and Maintenance Tips

Cars are a place where saving money is not always possible. They are also a place that quality should not be compromised. However, there are a few ways you can save money on car repairs and car maintenance. Here are a few tips. Oil Change/Regular Tune Up – A regular oil change can add to the life of your automobile. A healthy car is a long lasting car. A good rule of thumb is to change the oil every 3000 miles or so. This tip comes from our local oil change store. The manager confirmed that a car with regular … Continue reading