Waiter Refuses to Serve Family Who Made Mean Comment

There is a story going around the internet about a waiter who refused to serve a family at a restaurant. The family took offense that another family brought their child, who has Down Syndrome, to the restaurant. The family made a mean comment. The waiter refused to serve the family who made the mean comment. He did the right thing! This situation occurred in a restaurant called Laurenzo’s Prime Rib that is located in Houston, Texas. Kim Castillo was there with her family. Her son, Milo, has Down Syndrome. She wrote about her experience on a note on one of … Continue reading

How Often to Immunize Dogs and Cats

Now that both of my pets are two years old they don’t need annual immunizations anymore. However, because some veterinarians still push for yearly shots, it’s tricky to determine which your pets need and when. Although some states still require yearly rabies vaccinations (and you should check to see if that’s the case in your state), the truth is that as long as adult cats and dogs receive their rabies shots on a regular schedule, after their shot when they turn one year of age they only need the immunization, at most, once every three years. Cats and dogs need … Continue reading

Some Interesting Movies About Insurance

Would you watch a movie that was about insurance, insurance agents, or the insurance industry? Most people would immediately decide that those kinds of movies are better used a sleep aid than as a form of entertainment. There is a new movie called “Cedar Rapids” that might make you think differently. It’s about insurance agents, stars Ed Helms, and is getting good reviews. What makes you decide to see a movie? It could be that you are a fan of the actor or actress starring in a certain movie. Maybe you have a favorite genre, like “Action/Adventure”, “Science Fiction”, or … Continue reading

Beware the Green Eyed Monster: How Jealousy Can Impact Your Blended Family

I tiptoed up to the topic, believing that most of us are pretty sensitive about it: “Sometimes step parents feel…I don’t want to call it jealousy, but…” at which point Kelly, eight years into her step mom experience, interrupted, “Oh, you can call it jealous! I was definitely jealous!—of a six year old, no less!” We were talking about what can often become a defining dynamic between children and step parents, and consequently, a divisive issue for a biological parent and their spouse. It’s not an emotion many of us are willing to cop to, especially if the trigger is … Continue reading

Balancing Mulitple Ages in Your Homeschool

Homeschooling moms of multiple children face a unique challenge. These homeschooling moms need to manage multiple ages and stages of children under one homeschooling roof. Basically, she needs to learn the art of a one room schoolhouse or a juggling act. Each option comes with its own challenges yet each can be successful. A mom must decide for herself how she will balance her day and her children’s education. There is no right way but oddly enough there are plenty of wrong ways. For example, if your home is a source of stress or children falling behind in their studies … Continue reading

Mommy Crushes

Grown women go gaga over 16-year-old pop star Justin Bieber… there’s just something inherently wrong with that scenario. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Did you see the episode of “Saturday Night Live” where Tina Fey played a high school teacher smitten with a student played by Bieber? “I don’t know whether I want to marry him or put him in a stroller and push him around the mall,’’ Fey’s character ponders in a dreamy baby girl voice-over. So much for motherhood being connected with adulthood… and completely disconnected to youth culture. These days moms are getting … Continue reading

Being Frugal Is A Way Of Life – New FL Blogger Intro

Finally, I’m writing my Frugal Living introduction post. Better late than never, I always say. I wanted to say hello to my fellow FL living blogger Mary Ann Romans, and all of Families.com new bloggers. Since starting with this website about a month ago I’ve been having a lot of fun writing in my various topics. Being able to share and learn is a wonderful thing. As the title of my blog today states, being frugal truly is a way of life, not just one area of it. Many times someone may start out counting pennies in the area of … Continue reading

Diagnosing Cancer in Pets

I was chatting with an owner at the cats-only boarding facility about various health issues, and the topic of cancer came up. “How do you know if a cat has cancer?” he asked me. I was stumped for a moment, then managed to say that it was probably the same way we figure it out in humans. Biopsies and blood tests. Just to be sure, I did some research. Yeah, I’m the sort of person where if I don’t know the answer to a question, I’ll find it. Cancers that present as tumors on or near the surface of the … Continue reading

Causes of Marriage Break Ups

Opposites attract but only up to a point. According to Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott,one of the main reasons many couples break up is that they have not enough in common. This can happen early in a marriage or even sometimes, as it seems recently in growing numbers, after the children have moved out of home. Couples find they have nothing in common. Nothing left to talk about. A solution to this might be to take up a hobby or sport together. Before I broke my arm which has out me put of action for months, Mick and I played … Continue reading

Changing Patterns in Marriage -Part 2

The pattern of marriage changes when offspring leave home and go off to college. Suddenly the married couple is back to a twosome, that’s assuming they’ve managed to stay together throughout all the other phases. Statistics tell us many do not make it this far. Others break up once family is gone. Sadly, many couples find when they finally get back to being a twosome that they have lost each other somewhere in the process and no longer have anything in common. This is why it is so important through all the earlier years and phases of marriage to keep … Continue reading