Heritage Photos – How Best To Deal With Them

Recently I was asked for some help on organizing and scrapbooking some very old memorabilia, as well as photos, that a woman had inherited from her family. Most of this dated back to WWII and although scrapbooking isn’t any different for those time periods, the delicacy of the photos as well as the memorabilia does pose special challenges. She found herself overwhelmed by all she had in her possession and being unsure as to what should be included and as safely as possible. I was also asked about 3 dimensional scrapbooking for the small pins, medals and name cards that … Continue reading

My Day on the World Stage

In 1993 the opportunity arrived for me to shut up or put up. There was a woman by the name, or rather using the name, of Deborah Laake. She’d written a book called “Secret Ceremonies: Diary of a Mormon Wife” – a work of pure and sad delusion. This poor woman, if she told the complete truth, was at the mercy of a father who took unrighteous dominion to new levels. Whatever the perceived truth, she became extremely disenchanted with the church and proceeded to betray every covenant she’d half-heartedly made with the Lord. Where do I come in? Well, … Continue reading

Tags: How to tag on Families.com

The previous two blogs in this series have discussed what tags are and the purposes behind tagging. You can find them here and here. This blog will discuss how to tag on Families.com and how to view tags created by our members. After reading today’s blog, you should be ready to tag and contribute to the growing list of important information found on Families.com. How do I tag on Families.com? 1. Log in to Families.com. If you are not registered, click here to register. 2. Find articles on a topic of your choice. You can find articles by searching for … Continue reading

Tags: Frequently Asked Questions

Tagging on the Internet is becoming more popular every day. Families.com is one of many Web sites that use tags to organize information into an accessible and usable format. Today, we will discuss some of the frequently asked questions about tagging. Be sure to check out the next blog on how to tag on Families.com. Why tag? What are tags used for? Tagging helps organize the content on Families.com in a logical and orderly manner so you can easily find articles and blogs on topics you are looking for. If you are looking for information on a specific topic, you … Continue reading

Tagging: What are tags?

Have you heard of tagging? Not the type of tagging where cans of spray paint are used to create letters, symbols, and pictures on public walls and fences. I am talking about tagging on the Internet using Web sites that have tagging features included. You may have noticed on the Families.com homepage one of the four tabs at the top of page is entitled, “Tags.” It looks something like this: Have you ever clicked on the “Tags” tab? If so, you may have discovered the Families.com tag page, but been at a loss as to what this page is about … Continue reading

Waiter Refuses to Serve Family Who Made Mean Comment

There is a story going around the internet about a waiter who refused to serve a family at a restaurant. The family took offense that another family brought their child, who has Down Syndrome, to the restaurant. The family made a mean comment. The waiter refused to serve the family who made the mean comment. He did the right thing! This situation occurred in a restaurant called Laurenzo’s Prime Rib that is located in Houston, Texas. Kim Castillo was there with her family. Her son, Milo, has Down Syndrome. She wrote about her experience on a note on one of … Continue reading

Koshik the Talking Elephant

Could our next best friend be an elephant?  Maybe not for most of us here stateside, where we’re not exactly equipped to properly look after pachyderms.  But the news out of a zoo in South Korea, reported by BBC News, shows that an elephant has entered the next stage of the human-animal bond: talking. Before now, the only animals we could conceive of really being able to replicate our speech were parrots.  Now elephants are joining the list.  Koshik is a 12-year-old Asian elephant that lives at a zoo in South Korea.  When he started making sounds that his keepers thought … Continue reading

The Parent Precipice

My period was a day late this month. I know that shouldn’t be a big deal at all, but I’m prone to worrying about the littlest things, so yeah, even though the rational part of my brain knew I was overreacting – it was only a day – I couldn’t help but fret. I’d sort of asked for it; a small part in the back of my brain wanted something to go wrong with my pills, so the decision of whether or not to have kids yet would be taken out of my hands. In the first two years or … Continue reading

Special Needs Podcast Roundup – Week of January 2, 2011

This is the very first Special Needs Podcast Roundup for 2012! Every week, parents of children who have special needs can check out the Roundup to find new episodes of podcasts that discuss topics on autism, medication issues, learning disabilities, allergies, mental disorders, physical disabilities, and more. Family Health has an episode that was released on December of 2011. This episode is called “Drug Shortages”. This episode gives information about the current prescription drug shortages in the United States, and a brief history of drug shortages. It talks about why they happen, and what can be done about it. Raising … Continue reading

No Insurance? Where to Get a Mammogram

As I mentioned in my last entry my friends sister is facing the possibility of breast cancer and was worrying about paying for a mammogram. Many people may not know there are organizations that help pay for these lifesaving tests for the under and un-insured. When I heard that I began to find organizations that serviced her town. The first place I called was the American Cancer Society their counselors were amazing. I gave them her information and within minutes I had a list of 5 organizations that offered free mammograms and if need be further diagnostic testing. After I … Continue reading