Evan Moor: Daily Word Problems for 5 Graders

At a Glance: Product: Daily Word Problems Grade 5 Publisher: Evan Moor Grade Level: 5 Teacher Prep: Minimal Uses: Math Supplement Rating: 4 out of 4 golden pencils Workbooks are something I never have a shortage of in my home. However, I do not use them nearly as much as the space on my bookshelf warrants. However, one company always comes to mind when I think of the workbooks which get time in little hands and that company is Evan Moor. I am never disappointed when I purchase an Evan Moor product. So when given the opportunity to review Evan … Continue reading

Mama has the Flu!

It is the time of year when visitors come to call. One uninvited guest is the flu bug. The flu bug flies in and destroys a home for a week, sometimes more. I have a family of six. The flu could set my house in a state of illness for a month. One advantage to homeschooling when the flu comes to call is you don’t need to call off school. You can work around the illness, work through the illness, or just take days off without actually missing anything. Yes, it often puts your schedule behind a bit but your … Continue reading

Balancing Mulitple Ages in Your Homeschool

Homeschooling moms of multiple children face a unique challenge. These homeschooling moms need to manage multiple ages and stages of children under one homeschooling roof. Basically, she needs to learn the art of a one room schoolhouse or a juggling act. Each option comes with its own challenges yet each can be successful. A mom must decide for herself how she will balance her day and her children’s education. There is no right way but oddly enough there are plenty of wrong ways. For example, if your home is a source of stress or children falling behind in their studies … Continue reading

Media Review: Adoptive Families Magazine

Adoptive Families is a comprehensive bimonthly adoption magazine which covers all types of adoption—domestic and international, infant and older child, open, semi-open and confidential, and adopting from foster care. I have found the coverage to be very well-balanced among the different types. In the past two years I have canceled several magazine subscriptions because I don’t have time to read them. Adoptive Families, by contrast, is read cover to cover before I go to bed the day it is delivered. The magazine is written almost entirely by adoptive families. There are sections of advice from experts such as counselors, social … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: August 11- August 17

This week addressed many different educational topics. Issues in education cover a wide span of discussions. This week, I looked into teacher on waivers, preventing the spread of germs at school, grouping students with similar abilities, and how school assign students to teachers. Sunday, August 12 Teaching on a Waiver Some specialty areas in education have a shortage of certified teachers. Therefore school systems hire teachers with different certifications for the job. The teacher is consider to be teaching on a waiver and must begin taking class toward the certification in which he or she is currently teaching. Monday, August … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: Z = Zoning

I have enjoyed addressing the various concerns of public education. However, I am also excited to move on to more issues and topics. This will be my last article on the A to Z concerns of public education. Today, I am ready to address the letter Z. In this blog, I will discuss the letter Z for zoning. Zoning is the assignment of students to specific schools based on location. In some areas students have no option but to attend the school that they are zoned for attending. In other locations students have the freedom to attend other schools but … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: G = Gifted Students

So far, I have addressed concerns of public education A through F. I have discussed various topics from various points of views. Today, I would like to address gifted students. This concern is more of a personal concern for me. I hope that this issue is not a concern to everyone or every school system. Therefore, my concern for G is gift students. Our public school systems seem to do a pretty good job at meeting the needs of struggling students. There are 504 and federal laws to protect students with special needs. There are schools, such as mine, that … Continue reading

Legendary TV Journalist Dies

Ed Bradley, a 25-year veteran of the CBS news magazine “60 Minutes,” has died. In an on-air announcement, “CBS Evening News” anchor Katie Couric said Bradley died yesterday from complications of leukemia. He was 65. It didn’t take long for many of Bradley’s co-workers to publicly speak out about the legendary journalist. His “60 Minutes” colleague, Mike Wallace, said on CBS News Radio that Bradley was “a reporter’s reporter.” While, the creator and former producer of “60 Minutes,” Don Hewitt, said Bradley was a reporter who got along with “people of every stripe.” According to his CBS biography, Bradley was … Continue reading

What Your Eighth Grader Needs To Learn

Today is the last posting in this “What Your (fill in appropriate grade)Grader Needs To Learn series. I hope you have found some useful information that will be helpful for both you and your student. The following is a brief list of subjects that your eighth grader should learn by the end of the school year. Unfortunately, the series titled “What Your _ Grader Needs To Know by the Core Knowledge Foundation only goes through sixth grade. The organization also has a teacher/school resource titled “Core Knowledge K-8 Sequence” that gives detailed information about what to include in the curriculum … Continue reading