A “Green” Way To Get Rid Of Garden Pests

It was a balmy 73 degrees today. (Seventy-three degrees in March in Wisconsin—that’s something to brag about.) Our family took advantage of the beautiful weather by visiting a local wildlife sanctuary. After I got a good look at the critters there I came home and surveyed our yard and garden. Lo and behold, not five minutes into my inspection, a big fat fly landed on my arm. (Ah, the welcoming committee doesn’t miss a beat.) With the spring thaw in progress it won’t be long before I am battling bugs and other garden-loving pests. In previous blogs I’ve written about … Continue reading

Preschoolers & Sports

Is it me or are kids a hundred times busier today than when I was a kid? I don’t remember being enrolled in a dozen different activities and when I look at my own daughter’s busy schedule, I have to wonder – are we doing our preschoolers a service or not by enrolling them in sports? The answer to this question is both yes and no. Want me to vague that up a bit more? The truth is the answer is based on a number of different factors including the type of sport, your child’s level of physical prowess and … Continue reading