Where to Find a Genealogy Group to Join

So, you’ve decided to join a genealogy group? Great! Now, you have to find one that you can join. It may take a little bit of searching, but you should be able to find one. It is just a matter of knowing where to look. There are lots of good reasons why you may want to join a genealogy group. It can be fun to share your favorite hobby with other people who enjoy it too. This is a great way to start new friendships. But, before you can experience the benefits of joining a genealogy group, you have to … Continue reading

Why are YOU interested in genealogy?

Something occurred to me right after I decided to become a blogger on the topic of genealogy. I realized that it has been a long, long time since I did any genealogical research. I think the last time I conducted research about my family history was in middle school when my mom helped me make a family tree as part of a school project. A lot has changed since then, and while I have not yet acquainted myself with the modern tools of genealogical research like these free web resources, I am eager to see how far back in time … Continue reading

Book Review–Kimchi and Calamari

My last blogs have featured adoption books for young children. I’m pleased to be able to talk about one aimed at the middle-school crowd. This age group is often hard to find books for. Parents want books that introduce adoption themes so that their kids can feel that there are other kids like themselves and also to spark discussion between parent and child. But most books are either children’s picture books, or teen novels dealing with heavy themes like child abandonment and searching, such as Throwaway Daughter. Kimchi and Calamari also touches on these themes, but in a light-hearted way. … Continue reading