Returning Fertility

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of research about returning fertility. It is such an interesting topic and you will find many different conflicting opinions on the subject, especially when it has to do with moms who are still nursing their babies or toddlers. Some will insist that a mother must wean in order to conceive again. Others, especially those who strongly promote breastfeeding, insist that weaning is unnecessary and fertility will return when the body is ready. I also came across a third point of view, which has nothing to do with breastfeeding or weaning, and more to do … Continue reading

Fitness Reminders

I don’t know about you, but I struggle to squeeze in daily exercise. Whereas I do have a fitness routine (which is punctuated with several hours per week of marathon training) I also mother a child, work, run a household, and basically try to keep my head above water on a daily basis. Needless to say, when I do have time to get to the gym I don’t have the luxury of spending hours upon hours there. I need to get in, get out, and get on with my schedule. In doing so I often forget to complete basic portions … Continue reading

Single Parent Dating—Going Away for the Weekend, Part Two

Yesterday, I introduced the topic of single parents and going away for a romantic weekend. This is such a big subject and a potentially challenging concern for a dating single parent that I thought in addition to talking about the coordination and planning as I did yesterday, I would talk about the different feelings that the single parent may wrestle with when a relationship reaches this stage… Depending on your value system, and the stage that you have reached in your dating relationship, going away for a couple days may be an inevitable development. It can offer you an opportunity … Continue reading

Breastfeeding While Pregnant: Will Your Infant Suffer?

This morning we were talking about whether or not breastfeeding while pregnant causes miscarriages. The notion that it does is not backed up by any scientific studies at this point. However, based on what we know, it is reasonable to assume that it is perfectly fine to breastfeed while pregnant. Understanding how the uterus works and responds to hormones during various stages of the pregnancy can help us understand the complicated mechanisms of how it’s possible to carry one and nurse the other. The general rule of thumb is that if you’re medically cleared to have sex during pregnancy (which … Continue reading

Media Review: Adoptive Families Magazine

Adoptive Families is a comprehensive bimonthly adoption magazine which covers all types of adoption—domestic and international, infant and older child, open, semi-open and confidential, and adopting from foster care. I have found the coverage to be very well-balanced among the different types. In the past two years I have canceled several magazine subscriptions because I don’t have time to read them. Adoptive Families, by contrast, is read cover to cover before I go to bed the day it is delivered. The magazine is written almost entirely by adoptive families. There are sections of advice from experts such as counselors, social … Continue reading

FREE Posters to Help the Transition from Boy Child to Real Man.

To get FREE posters and brochures from the Coaching Boys into Men campaign, click here. While doing some research for another “End Violence” project I’m working on, I stumbled across an American website with FREE and immediately downloadable posters. The website of the Family Violence Prevention Fund is concerned with ending men’s violence against women and children. Bravo to them. They have recognized that violence is not a women’s issue, that it is a whole of community concern and that if men are part of the problem then they are also part of the solution. While the women’s movement was … Continue reading