Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Contagious Cautions

Not all boarding facilities are equipped to handle guests (feline or otherwise) with health issues. Because we’re owned by and attached to a veterinarian’s office, the staff at the cats-only boarding facility is trained to do some unusual things. We administer oral medications (pills and liquids), topical medications (like creams applied to the inside of the ear), injections (like insulin for diabetic kitties), and even subcutaneous fluids (for guests who are dehydrated). But sometimes, we get a guest with a serious health issue that could possibly be contagious to other guests. We work very hard to ensure that the ill … Continue reading

More About Finding “The One”

Previously I discussed the heartbreak and discouragement that some people have trying to find the right person to spend their lives with. For some, finding true love takes longer than for others. These people can experience loneliness and hopelessness. However, finding your mate does not have to be so hard. Taking a close look at yourself and digging deep into your heart to discover what type of person you are looking for is a good start. Going to the right places to meet the types of people you are looking for is also helpful. In addition to interest clubs and … Continue reading

Internet Romance: In All the Old Unfamiliar Places

One of the freedoms that have come into play in Iraq is difficult for the conservative nation and there are more than a few who consider it dangerous. The Internet has arrived in post-invasion Iraq and parents are more than a little concerned about the fact that their sons and daughters are going to be able to meet each other through the Internet and they can’t observe them or safely chaperone their topics of discussion. Some parents have discovered their children chatting in unsupervised conversations and removed the computer from their homes. It’s important to recognize that Iraq is a … Continue reading

Will Tanning Help You Lose Weight?

For the many people who live in areas of the world that experience all four change of seasons, when the cold winter months are lurking around, many of us hibernate to the indoors and never see the sunlight. Due to this lifestyle, the vitamin D our bodies get from daily exposure to the sun is lessened and many individuals begin to suffer the effects from this loss. Even though there are warnings concerning the sun, our skin, and cancer; many doctor studies have recently discovered that the natural light from the sun is more helpful than harmful. The vitamin D … Continue reading