Marriages without Sex (2)

In our first article on this topic, we looked at the marriage between Sue and James, who had only had intercourse on one occasion two years after the wedding in order to satisfy Sue’s longing for a child. You can read about the courtship and immediate post-wedding experiences of Sue and James in Marriage without Sex (1). So, two years into an unconsummated marriage, Sue allowed James to have sex with her over a period of three nights and the result was a beautiful baby boy. The marriage then resumed its sex-free criteria because Sue was “too busy getting over … Continue reading

Book Review: Keys to Parenting an Adopted Child by Dr. Kathy Lancaster

I came across the “Book Keys to Parenting an Adopted Child” by Dr. Kathy Lancaster while waiting for my son to be born. During that time I read a number of books on parenting adopted children, but especially enjoyed this book because she writes clearly and concisely on a number of adoption topics including, but not limited to, bonding and attachment, developmental stages of children and adoption, and special needs adoption. It is also a very readable book that is easy is to understand and is not laden with medical and psychological jargon. Dr. Kathy Lancaster is also a parent … Continue reading