Advantages of Reunion with Birth Family for Child and Teen Adoptees

Many adoptive parents tell their children that they will help them search for their birthparents when they turn eighteen. However, more and more adoptive parents are reaching out to their children’s birth families earlier. Sometimes it is the adoptive parent who desires medical history, information their children may want in the future, or simply a chance to thank the birthmother and reassure her that her child is well and happy. Sometimes a birth parent makes the first contact. In other cases, it is the child or teen adoptee who indicates a strongly felt need or desire for information. Some children … Continue reading

Taking Kids to Weddings, Funerals and Other Ceremonies

I know this is a controversial topic, and I’m not going to stake my claim to one opinion or another. Instead, I wanted to throw this out to all of you eloquent bloggers and online communicators in hopes we could get some diverse and interesting ideas about taking children to weddings, funerals and other “grown up” ceremonies… About ten years ago, when my grandmother died, I brought my kids home to the Pacific Northwest from the Midwest (where we were living at the time) for the funeral process. The funeral itself, however, was a grave-side service and with three kids … Continue reading