Positive Steps to Confront Stereotypes

In recent blogs I talked about anti-immigrant feeling in America today and whether it will have an unintended impact on our adopted children. I was thinking primarily of our Asian and Latino children, but a third-grader from Ethiopia was recently taunted in my neighborhood and told to go back to her country. In some parts of the U.S. the immigrant African population may be larger than the African-American population, so possibly more and more people will assume that African-heritage children are immigrants as well. And some of them are—Haiti and Liberia have been native countries of significant numbers of adopted … Continue reading

Reason to Sing

What a joy this morning to get back to leading the singing at church along with the other others on the music team. And what a special time to be singing. I loved opening the service with Joy to the World, followed by O Come All You Faithful (a slight modernization of words from Ye.) Even lovelier was the elderly lady who waved and blew me a kiss as I started to sing. Later she told me how ‘thrilled’ she was ‘to see me back up the front.’ Now I don’t claim to be the world’s best singer but I … Continue reading

Discuss Values and Beliefs before Marriage

I have always known that it is important for partners to have common beliefs and ideas. One of these commonalities I feel is in the topic of religion. I have always heard and believed that couples should share the same religious beliefs and values. However, I have never been a hard core person when it comes to denomination. I have the idea that as long as you believe in God and Jesus Christ then the church that you worship in is just a building. I realize that some denominations have very different beliefs. However, I felt that those beliefs mainly … Continue reading

Choosing My Standard

This is the first part of a small group series I’ve been working in called, “Values that Last“. Though I could probably write several blogs on this session alone, I am just going to focus on the specific areas that really hit home for me. There seems to be a decay of truth in today’s society. This is likely a result of three philosophies (among others) that have taken root in our society: Individualism: Personal independence, relying on yourself, the standard of your own life and what seems right to you. “In those days there was no king in Israel; … Continue reading