Advantages of Reunion with Birth Family for Child and Teen Adoptees

Many adoptive parents tell their children that they will help them search for their birthparents when they turn eighteen. However, more and more adoptive parents are reaching out to their children’s birth families earlier. Sometimes it is the adoptive parent who desires medical history, information their children may want in the future, or simply a chance to thank the birthmother and reassure her that her child is well and happy. Sometimes a birth parent makes the first contact. In other cases, it is the child or teen adoptee who indicates a strongly felt need or desire for information. Some children … Continue reading

Mix It Up Monday – How to Detonate and Sabotage Your Relationship

You may think this is an odd topic to cover here, but it’s important to recognize the things you may say or do that could sabotage your relationship and your marriage. Too often, we got caught up in our own personal dramas and trials and we forget how we want to and should treat other people, especially our spouses. So here are some guaranteed ways your behavior can affect your relationships and your marriage in a negative fashion: Abandoning the use of common courtesy with your spouse and treating the bank teller better than you would your spouse — it’s … Continue reading

Don’t Overlook the Power of Small Talk

Think your time is precious and that if you have to chat your way through one more cocktail party or networking event you will scream? If you are trying to build a business, all those opportunities for small talk can actually result in an increased profit margin and a fatter bottom line. Small talk can really yield big results… Done properly–and that means listening attentively and asking the right questions, you can actually garner quite a bit about a person from a brief, seemingly meaningless conversation. Chatting about the weather, sports, current events, or other typical topics found buzzing around … Continue reading

Stages of Grief-Bargaining

Over the past few days I have presented two other stages of grief; Denial and Anger. At some point both children and adults will come to the realization that their anger over the death of a person or pending divorce is just not netting any positive results. When the pain of reality becomes too much to bear, often people will attempt to bargain their way through a situation. Children are especially vulnerable during this stage as they plead with mommy or daddy to not get divorced. They make promises such as, “I will take out the garbage every day, and … Continue reading

Stages of Grief-Denial

The five stages of grief was made popular by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross In her book “On Death and Dying”, published in 1969. She presented 5 stages terminally ill persons may go through upon learning of their illness. It is now widely accepted that people can go through these stages of grief during other difficult times such as the death of a spouse, and divorce. Over the next few posts I will describe each of these stages from both a child and adult perspective along with potentially beneficial ways to work through that particular stage. These stages are not always experienced in … Continue reading

Organizing Heritage Photos and Memorabilia

Many of us have piles of photos and memorabilia given to us that go back a few generations. These are very special photos and other items that should be persevered in a way that it is easy to access the desired photo or memorabilia and can serve as wonderful record of your family history. Thinking about the boxes you have filled with photos, birth and weeding certificates, report cards, postcards, drawings, etc., can be overwhelming. I would like to suggest some steps you can take to make organizing and putting items into scrapbooks a manageable task. Remember to set realistic … Continue reading

My Day on the World Stage

In 1993 the opportunity arrived for me to shut up or put up. There was a woman by the name, or rather using the name, of Deborah Laake. She’d written a book called “Secret Ceremonies: Diary of a Mormon Wife” – a work of pure and sad delusion. This poor woman, if she told the complete truth, was at the mercy of a father who took unrighteous dominion to new levels. Whatever the perceived truth, she became extremely disenchanted with the church and proceeded to betray every covenant she’d half-heartedly made with the Lord. Where do I come in? Well, … Continue reading

Tagging: What are tags?

Have you heard of tagging? Not the type of tagging where cans of spray paint are used to create letters, symbols, and pictures on public walls and fences. I am talking about tagging on the Internet using Web sites that have tagging features included. You may have noticed on the homepage one of the four tabs at the top of page is entitled, “Tags.” It looks something like this: Have you ever clicked on the “Tags” tab? If so, you may have discovered the tag page, but been at a loss as to what this page is about … Continue reading

Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women want to do as many things as they can to stay healthy. Eating good food is one way that pregnant women can stay healthy during pregnancy. Exercising is another thing that most pregnant women can do to maintain optimal health during pregnancy. Of course, the number one consideration regarding exercising during pregnancy is to stay safe. Discuss exercise with your prenatal care provider at every visit, so that you always know how much of what kind of activities are appropriate for where you are in your pregnancy, given how your body is responding to pregnancy. For … Continue reading

Three Common Breastfeeding Myths Explained

Part of getting yourself ready for the day when you welcome your new baby into the world involves thinking about how you plan to feed your baby. As is the case with many of the decisions that you will make regarding your baby, the best way to prepare yourself is with information. The more you know about infant feeding and nutrition in advance, the better prepared you will be to navigate the ins and outs of feeding your baby once he or she is born. One helpful type of information to have at the ready if you plan to breastfeed … Continue reading