Are You A Freelance Writer? Have You Tried Blogging?

Whether you are new to freelance writing or you are looking to expand your skill set, I would like to recommend that you give blogging a try. You may be wondering whether there is a place for your unique voice in a group blog or collection of blogs. I know that I was asking myself that very question when I started out. The answer to that question does, of course, depend upon the individual and also upon what blogs are looking for writers and what kind of writers they are looking for. Nonetheless, I would like to encourage you to … Continue reading

Sex Education is a Heated Topic for Romney and Obama

I for one do not follow the politicians or political news. My husband remains much more interested in campaigns and elections than I do. However, the battle over sex education between Romney and Obama has enticed me to take on a more active political role. Senator Obama has suggested that all grade school children (beginning in kindergarten) be instructed through a science-based sex education program. He suggests that each grade have an age appropriate sex education program. Romney, on the other hand, feels that there is no age appropriate program when it comes to young children learning about sex. Obama … Continue reading

Stages of Grief-Denial

The five stages of grief was made popular by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross In her book “On Death and Dying”, published in 1969. She presented 5 stages terminally ill persons may go through upon learning of their illness. It is now widely accepted that people can go through these stages of grief during other difficult times such as the death of a spouse, and divorce. Over the next few posts I will describe each of these stages from both a child and adult perspective along with potentially beneficial ways to work through that particular stage. These stages are not always experienced in … Continue reading

Freelance Writing: Leads for Developing Clips

If you’re trying to establish yourself as a new writer, you need to develop clips. The term is an old school one, a short form of clippings. A similar term is tear sheets. Clips are simply copies of (or links to) published articles that you send an editor as examples of your writing ability. So, how can you get some clips? You might be tempted to write free of charge for publications or websites that ask you to work for nothing but “exposure.” It is unfortunate that many venues take advantage of new writers this way. They pay everyone else … Continue reading

Home Business: Freelance Writing Tips

Starting a home business as a freelance writer can be very rewarding. You don’t really have much overhead, and you can work as an independent contractor in most cases. There are however, challenges that you should be aware of, including rejections. Rejections are nothing to get upset over; even best selling authors have endured their share. It can be very frustrating, but you have to avoid taking rejection personally. It may not have anything to do with the quality of your writing; it may simply be the fact that the publication to which you submitted cannot currently use your work. … Continue reading

My Day on the World Stage

In 1993 the opportunity arrived for me to shut up or put up. There was a woman by the name, or rather using the name, of Deborah Laake. She’d written a book called “Secret Ceremonies: Diary of a Mormon Wife” – a work of pure and sad delusion. This poor woman, if she told the complete truth, was at the mercy of a father who took unrighteous dominion to new levels. Whatever the perceived truth, she became extremely disenchanted with the church and proceeded to betray every covenant she’d half-heartedly made with the Lord. Where do I come in? Well, … Continue reading

Tags: How to tag on

The previous two blogs in this series have discussed what tags are and the purposes behind tagging. You can find them here and here. This blog will discuss how to tag on and how to view tags created by our members. After reading today’s blog, you should be ready to tag and contribute to the growing list of important information found on How do I tag on 1. Log in to If you are not registered, click here to register. 2. Find articles on a topic of your choice. You can find articles by searching for … Continue reading

Tagging: What are tags?

Have you heard of tagging? Not the type of tagging where cans of spray paint are used to create letters, symbols, and pictures on public walls and fences. I am talking about tagging on the Internet using Web sites that have tagging features included. You may have noticed on the homepage one of the four tabs at the top of page is entitled, “Tags.” It looks something like this: Have you ever clicked on the “Tags” tab? If so, you may have discovered the tag page, but been at a loss as to what this page is about … Continue reading

Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women want to do as many things as they can to stay healthy. Eating good food is one way that pregnant women can stay healthy during pregnancy. Exercising is another thing that most pregnant women can do to maintain optimal health during pregnancy. Of course, the number one consideration regarding exercising during pregnancy is to stay safe. Discuss exercise with your prenatal care provider at every visit, so that you always know how much of what kind of activities are appropriate for where you are in your pregnancy, given how your body is responding to pregnancy. For … Continue reading

The Controversy Over School Vouchers in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker created a proposal to make a school choice voucher program for students who have special needs. A group called Stop Special Needs Vouchers is protesting against the proposal. The group, which includes parents, feel that the plan would end up making it harder for students who have special needs to get the support they require at public schools. A school voucher is a controversial topic for many reasons. There is potential for people to object to the system that is used to determine whether or not a child qualifies for a voucher, to object to … Continue reading