Stages of Grief-Bargaining

Over the past few days I have presented two other stages of grief; Denial and Anger. At some point both children and adults will come to the realization that their anger over the death of a person or pending divorce is just not netting any positive results. When the pain of reality becomes too much to bear, often people will attempt to bargain their way through a situation. Children are especially vulnerable during this stage as they plead with mommy or daddy to not get divorced. They make promises such as, “I will take out the garbage every day, and … Continue reading

Being Frugal Is A Way Of Life – New FL Blogger Intro

Finally, I’m writing my Frugal Living introduction post. Better late than never, I always say. I wanted to say hello to my fellow FL living blogger Mary Ann Romans, and all of new bloggers. Since starting with this website about a month ago I’ve been having a lot of fun writing in my various topics. Being able to share and learn is a wonderful thing. As the title of my blog today states, being frugal truly is a way of life, not just one area of it. Many times someone may start out counting pennies in the area of … Continue reading

How To Take Great Photos for eBay

Now that you’ve got your hands on the best eBay camera it’s time to focus on how to use it to your advantage. You want to sell your Internet auction items for as much as possible and the best way to accomplish that is to display your products in the best light possible. Before I get into the hard-core digital photography dos and don’ts, I’d like to start with some very simple tips you should keep in mind prior to snapping your first pic. As my series of blogs on shooting great photos of eBay items continues I’ll go in-depth … Continue reading