Games of Tag From Around the World

Here are some fun versions of tag from around the world that you could play at a family culture night, a party, or with a group of friends. One Legged Rabbit from Thailand The players form two even groups. An area, not to large, is marked out and one group stays within this area. The other group is chosen to be the rabbits and wait outside the area. One rabbit hops on one leg into the area and tries to touch as many people in the other group as possible. Players are out if they are touched or go outside … Continue reading

Waiter Refuses to Serve Family Who Made Mean Comment

There is a story going around the internet about a waiter who refused to serve a family at a restaurant. The family took offense that another family brought their child, who has Down Syndrome, to the restaurant. The family made a mean comment. The waiter refused to serve the family who made the mean comment. He did the right thing! This situation occurred in a restaurant called Laurenzo’s Prime Rib that is located in Houston, Texas. Kim Castillo was there with her family. Her son, Milo, has Down Syndrome. She wrote about her experience on a note on one of … Continue reading

The Parent Precipice

My period was a day late this month. I know that shouldn’t be a big deal at all, but I’m prone to worrying about the littlest things, so yeah, even though the rational part of my brain knew I was overreacting – it was only a day – I couldn’t help but fret. I’d sort of asked for it; a small part in the back of my brain wanted something to go wrong with my pills, so the decision of whether or not to have kids yet would be taken out of my hands. In the first two years or … Continue reading

Outrage at the Raping Comments of an Islamic Cleric

Opposing secular, spiritual and political groups have today joined together in their outrage against the raping comments of an Australian Islamic cleric. In a Ramadan sermon, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly, reportedly compared “women who wore make-up and dressed immodestly to meat that attracted cats.” The Australian, (Australia’s major national newspaper) quoted the cleric as saying, “If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it … whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered … Continue reading