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Prayer and Riches.

nullIn Luke 6:12,after the confrontations with the Pharisees, Jesus went off alone and spent the whole night in prayer. Have you ever spent as long in concentrated prayer? I haven’t though I do find if I am awake at night, which happens fairly regularly to me, it is a good time to pray, right there where I am.

We might wonder what Jesus was praying about. Was he praying about the opposition he was experiencing and the hardness of people’s hearts? Was he seeking the Father for strength for what he knew lay ahead of him? Maybe it was both. Or was he praying about whom to choose to be in his band of followers? For after this night of prayer Jesus went and chose his disciples. It is a good thing for us to do too before we approach anyone in our church to take on a particular responsibility We need to pray and ask our Heavenly Father to make clear those He has chosen. Sometimes it might be quite different to those we might have in mind.

What a varied bunch these disciples were. Some were fishermen, one was a tax collector. Sounds rather like our churches, a mixed bunch, doesn’t it? Others we don’t hear a lot about in the rest of scripture. We don’t hear a lot about those in our churches who do the behind the scenes jobs like cleaning and morning teas and prayer either. But they are just as important as other jobs in the church.

People came to Jesus to hear his message and to be healed. Jesus taught of the kingdom of God and the way God’s economy works. Those hungry and weeping will be filled and will know joy, Luke 6:21. Jesus promised his disciples, despite the hatred of others, that there would be great reward for all they would have to give up for his sake, verses Luke 6:22-23. Obviously Jesus is not talking about material wealth and riches for the reward, is not on earth. Rather, their reward ‘is great in heaven.’ But he warns the rich and self-serving their recompense will also come, verses 25-26.

Into which category would Jesus place you? Are you one of those who are committed to serving him regardless of the cost? Or are you too concerned with riches and pleasures on this earth now?

Bible verses from the New American Standard Version

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