Upcoming Genealogy Events – Week of April 29, 2012

Have you been thinking about attending a genealogy class, conference, workshop, or event? This could be the week that you go out and do it! There are plenty of genealogy related events happening all across the United States. Here are just a few. On April 29, 2012, Temple Beth Israel, which is located in Skokie, Illinois, will host a meeting of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois, (JGSI) It will include a special program called “The 1940 Census and Online Finding Aids”. It will be presented by Dr. Joel Weintraub, an emeritus biology professor at California State University. It is … Continue reading

Pressure Treatment

The Thundershirt from my last pet blog made me start to wonder about pressure as a treatment for dog anxiety. As I said, I’d never heard of the practice before, so I’m curious as to whether or not it’s a legitimate calming method or something made up by Thundershirt salespeople. After spending a while researching the topic, I’m more inclined to believe the latter. Multiple searches using varied forms of the phrase “pet anxiety pressure treatment” resulted in page after page only talking about the subject specifically in relation to selling the Thundershirt. I’m ready to consider the “pressure as … Continue reading

Book Review: A Euro-American on a Korean Tour at a Thai Restaurant in China

The uniqueness of A Euro-American on a Korean Tour at a Thai Restaurant in China is that adoptive parent Chris Winston has not only encouraged her children to feel pride in their Korean heritage, but has made connections with Koreans and Korean-Americans on a scale most adoptive parents have only dimly imagined. Winston helped to begin both Friends of Korea, a regional group (in Sacramento) for adoptive families that welcomes anyone interested in Korea, and the Korean American Adoptee/Adoptive Family Network (KAAN), a national networking organization linking groups and individuals concerned with adoption from Korea. Winston and her husband had … Continue reading

How do you add coupons to the Coupon Database?

Adding coupons to the Coupon Database is a quick and easy process, from which everyone benefits. Not only does it keep coupons current, but it also makes searches more productive. First, before entering any coupons, perform a search to see if someone else hasn’t already entered it. If it hasn’t been entered, click on the “Add” button. Below the search box, you will see some blank boxes, a place where you are able to enter your coupons. Below is what you will enter in each box: *Description: This is where you enter the product and size the coupon is good … Continue reading

Top Ten Picture Books for Preschoolers

Pre-school age children love vivid characters that they can relate to. They enjoy stories with action and repetition. I had a hard time narrowing the list down to my top ten favorite books, but here they are. Corduroy by Don Freeman Every child has a stuffed animal and subsequently will enjoy reading about the adventures of Corduroy, a stuffed bear. Young readers will fall in love with the cuddly bear as he comes alive one night and searches the department store for his lost button. Cows In The Kitchen by June Crebbin This is a book and a sing-along since … Continue reading