Tips for Toning Your Tummy

Who can forget the amazing abs Mark “Marky Mark” Wahlberg flashed while baring almost all for those incredible Calvin Klein ads? Wahlberg’s ripped abdomen had thousands of wannabes trying to tone their tummies in an effort to look half as good as the singer turned actor. But, alas the majority of men (and women) who spent mornings completing countless sit ups and crunches, quickly found out that they could spend an entire day targeting their stomach muscles, but no one would ever see the results unless they ramped up their cardio workouts to melt away the fat covering those fab … Continue reading

Gyms Catering to Members with Health Issues

Are you getting the most out of your gym? When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago her doctor recommended she follow a regimented fitness program. She started going to a run-of-the-mill gym in her very small hometown and worked out with a trainer. However, she never quite felt comfortable with the exercise routine and she ended up canceling her gym membership less than a year later. I always thought that had she found a better gym (unfortunately there are only two gyms in the city she lives in) she would have stuck with the program. … Continue reading

What Are You an Authority On?

Have you ever read an article or an excerpt in a trade magazine or on a web site where someone was referred to as an “authority” on something? I often find that when “communications authority” or “transition authority” is added to a person’s title and other work information, I am more likely to pay attention to what they have to say. I think we can apply this principal to our own home businesses by figuring out what we are an authority on and how we can share that as part of our work. The great thing about being an “authority” … Continue reading

Frugal Living for Large Families – A Whole Different Story

Large families are becoming increasingly more and more common. Mostly because of the step family or blended family generation, however some families are still choosing to expand the traditional way too. With the increase of larger families, it is an important area to consider in the topic of frugal living. Not only is parenting a larger family a challenge, but so are many other aspects of the large family dynamics. It seems difficult to save money when you have a large family. With an increase in monthly bills, groceries, gifts, clothes and other items, it doesn’t seem possible. However, it … Continue reading

What Your Eighth Grader Needs To Learn

Today is the last posting in this “What Your (fill in appropriate grade)Grader Needs To Learn series. I hope you have found some useful information that will be helpful for both you and your student. The following is a brief list of subjects that your eighth grader should learn by the end of the school year. Unfortunately, the series titled “What Your _ Grader Needs To Know by the Core Knowledge Foundation only goes through sixth grade. The organization also has a teacher/school resource titled “Core Knowledge K-8 Sequence” that gives detailed information about what to include in the curriculum … Continue reading