Special Needs Podcast Roundup – Week of February 27, 2012

Ready for more podcasts? The Special Needs Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss topics that are relevant to parents of children who have special needs. This is the easiest way to find out about when your favorite podcasts update, or to find brand new podcasts. Mayo Clinic has an episode that was released on February 24, 2012. This episode is called “Treating Fuchs’ Dystrophy”. In this episode, Mayo Clinic Dr. Keith Baratz talks about treatment options for this eye disorder, which is a progressive disorder that can cause a hazy deposit to build up over … Continue reading

Federal Government is Concerned about Schools and Food Allergies

The federal government takes action in our education system in many ways. One form that has recently hit the school systems is in the topic of nutrition. Along with the stricter guidelines that are being placed on the healthy foods that must be served in our school cafeterias, the federal government is also taking a closer look into the foods that are most likely to be allergy problems for children. While many individual schools have their own plans in place for dealing with children who have food allergies, only a few states actually have a state wide plan. Those states … Continue reading