Stages of Grief-Bargaining

Over the past few days I have presented two other stages of grief; Denial and Anger. At some point both children and adults will come to the realization that their anger over the death of a person or pending divorce is just not netting any positive results. When the pain of reality becomes too much to bear, often people will attempt to bargain their way through a situation. Children are especially vulnerable during this stage as they plead with mommy or daddy to not get divorced. They make promises such as, “I will take out the garbage every day, and … Continue reading

Capital One Buys ING

Years ago when ING Bank was still fairly new it was a frequent topic of conversation on some online message boards that I frequented. I was ready to have my meager savings earn a better interest rate so I opened an account using a referral code a forum buddy supplied. The referral code gave me $20 and my forum friend $10. I have had no complaints about my savings account with ING. I do wish I could open another saving account and get another $20. ING started offering checking accounts and I jumped to open one. I wanted the convenience … Continue reading