Dealing with Depression

Depression is a serious problem in society. It is the most common of all metal health problems, yet it is one that is not talked about nearly as often as it should be. Statistics tell us one in five people will suffer from depression at some stage in their lives. You or your spouse or someone in your family could be a likely candidate for depression. So what can you do if your spouse or someone in your family suffers from depression? Firstly, you and your spouse or the person who has depression need to realize that depression in an … Continue reading

Dating Violence in Schools

Dating violence is becoming more and more common. Possessive boyfriends that become jealous, demanding, isolate young teen girls and then finally become violent with them are not usual even on school grounds. Sometimes dating violence has fatal consequences that can end a young life and leave her family in ruins. Just two states mandate teaching kids about dating violence in schools. Texas mandates awareness education on dating violence, although the specific education requirements are not specified. Other states say they encourage this education, although it is not required. But Rhode Island is progressive on the issue. It recently passed a … Continue reading

Book Review: A Euro-American on a Korean Tour at a Thai Restaurant in China

The uniqueness of A Euro-American on a Korean Tour at a Thai Restaurant in China is that adoptive parent Chris Winston has not only encouraged her children to feel pride in their Korean heritage, but has made connections with Koreans and Korean-Americans on a scale most adoptive parents have only dimly imagined. Winston helped to begin both Friends of Korea, a regional group (in Sacramento) for adoptive families that welcomes anyone interested in Korea, and the Korean American Adoptee/Adoptive Family Network (KAAN), a national networking organization linking groups and individuals concerned with adoption from Korea. Winston and her husband had … Continue reading

Do We Spend Too Much on the Iraq War?

No doubt, Iraq is a hot topic right now. With more than half of the country wanting us to pull out yesterday it seems, well wrong, that congress could pass a bill of that magnitude when so many voters are against the Iraq war. What the Bill Does The bill provides expanded benefits for military veterans as well as providing monies for college tuition for military veterans. It also provides $2.7 million dollars in flood relief to help victims of the recent flooding in the mid-west. The spending will bring the grand total to $650 million that the U.S. Government … Continue reading

Cardstock: A Rainbow of Colors

There are millions of colors in the world, in different tints and shades. Have you ever walked through a paper aisle and been overwhelmed at all of the colors you are given to choose from? How do you know that the shade of blue you are picking will work with the background paper you want to use with it? There are a few ways you can make sure that you get the colors you want so that when you sit down to scrapbook, you don’t find out the shade doesn’t fit your photographs or other supplies. Take It With You … Continue reading

Resolutions for a Yappy New Year

Happy New Year! (Or as Murph would say, “Yappy!”) I’m changing things up this year. Instead of making my resolutions right before the New Year starts, I’m making them right as the New Year starts. Even before I took stock of 2007, I was thinking a lot about resolutions and what I want to accomplish in 2008. Therein lies the problem. I never have any shortage of goals. If anything, I have way too many. So I’m going to try and keep it simple this year. Resolutions re Writing in the Pets Blog • To be more like these fellow … Continue reading

Resolutions for a Yappy New Year

Happy New Year! (Or as Murph would say, “Yappy!”) I’m changing things up this year. Instead of making my resolutions right before the New Year starts, I’m making them right as the New Year starts. Even before I took stock of 2007, I was thinking a lot about resolutions and what I want to accomplish in 2008. Therein lies the problem. I never have any shortage of goals. If anything, I have way too many. So I’m going to try and keep it simple this year. Resolutions re Writing in the Pets Blog • To be more like these fellow … Continue reading

Books for Adults on Adoption from China and Korea

I recently published a series of blogs on children’s books dealing with adoption, including books specifically featuring kids adopted from different countries. Here, I will present books for adults on adoption from China and Korea. Many are memoirs which tell of adoptive families’ experiences. Others are memoirs of adoptees and even of birthmothers and an adoption worker. Others are serious looks at the topics of preserving heritage and the reasons children are available for adoption. Books for adults on Korean adoption: A Single Square Picture tells the story of a girl adopted at age 7 who returns to search for … Continue reading

Fast Start: Hurrying Up While Waiting

You’ve probably heard international adoption called a “hurry-up and wait” game. Meaning, that you are often in a mad hurry to fulfill every request for a document or signature, lest you miss the monthly meeting of the Romanian adoption committee by one day, or your social worker doesn’t get a chance to fax her counterpart before her vacation, or whatever, and you miss another precious month of your child’s infancy. Then, you don’t hear back from anyone for weeks. Sometimes slow and steady is okay. You focus on your work, or your other kids, or whatever, sending out questionnaires to … Continue reading

Saving Money On Groceries part one

There’s no doubt about it – groceries are expensive. You figure the average household shops once a week, with a smaller percentage shopping twice a week. That doesn’t account for all the stops to Wal-mart, the drugstore or anywhere else extra people purchase their groceries! Gas stations are a HUGE money waster – but they have that name “convenient mart” – Convenient yes, cheap – no way! I’d love to play the grocery game but for a long time it was not available in my area. It might not be available to you either. I can surf the net for … Continue reading