Win a FREE eDiets Weight Loss Solutions and Daily Progress Journal for Your Input!

Dear Readers, I’d really love your input so that I can make this blog more informative and provide the kind of information you really want to read. (After all, it does me no good to write if I don’t know what you’re hoping to find!) Following are a few questions that I have for you so I hope you’ll consider answering some or all of them in the form of an email to or by private message here at to me at “cocotbo”. All readers who respond by September 30, 2007, will be entered in a drawing to … Continue reading

Ear Stapling: A Weight Loss Solution?

According to the January/February 2007 issue of Health magazine, Mississippi and Arkansas are the only states that require medical professionals to perform ear stapling. However, this doesn’t stop less qualified individuals from practicing this technique. If you haven’t heard about it, ear stapling is a derivation of acupuncture. Pressure points in the ear correspond with the stomach. When done by a professional, he or she will use proper methods to consider where the staple needs to be placed. If accurately executed, placing light pressure on the tiny, surgical staple will cause a reduction in cravings and appetite suppression. Depending upon … Continue reading

Time Again for Weight Loss Resolutions

The number one resolution for the New Year is losing weight.  January in a gym is filled with people who have decided they are actually going to lose weight….this time.  The old faces grimace as they see new faces they know will only last the few weeks on the treadmill before calling it a year.  Losing weight always comes with good intentions but follow through is a different story. Why Weight Loss Resolutions Fail The reason is simple.  Attitude.  Will power or more importantly lack of will power.  New goals come with new habits.  New habits are difficult to forge. I … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolution! Weight Loss

Why it is good to have a weight loss New Year’s resolution. Monday is for most, the first workday of the New Year and the first day of trying to keep that New Year’s resolution for losing weight. Whether this is the first resolution you have made or the fifteenth, the beginning of a New Year always brings opportunities to change and grow. Funny thing is there one can always start a diet before or after the New Year but most people decide on it as their New Year’s resolution. It makes some sense to start with a New Year. … Continue reading

Keeping Your Weight Loss Resolution

New Year’s Day has always been an important point of reflection for many of us. Not only is it a time for looking back on the past, but much more importantly, a time that we can take a gander at what’s in store for us in the coming year. The beginning of January is a great time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes. Oh yes, let the New Year’s Resolutions begin. For many, New Year’s resolutions are easily made, but do we ever really keep them? The … Continue reading

4 Tips to Help You Keep Your Resolution

As I blogged yesterday, my New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight – again.  The thing about making weight loss a resolution is that so many people do it (especially after all those holiday pounds!), but many fail to follow through. What can you do to keep your resolution?  There are a few hints from psychologist John Norcross on how to keep those resolutions: Believe it can be done. That’s right – don’t let the haters keep you down, saying “You can’t do that.”  Believe in yourself that you can succeed. Be realistic. I am never going to weigh 120 … Continue reading

Making New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, I am thinking about making a New Year’s Resolution.  I know, many people say when you do this, you are only setting yourself up for failure.  But sometimes, you just need something to get you kicked off in the right direction. This year, as with all years in the past, I am resolving to lose weight.  Oh, I know I can do it – I lost 30 pounds three years ago.  And then gained it all back within the stressful last two years of returning to the workforce, moving, and changing jobs twice. But this year, I need to … Continue reading

Too Many Resolutions

Here we go again. I start the year with the very best intentions, my resolutions are written down, my goals firmly stated, I even have a dream board so that everyday my goals are visible. The only problem is that I am still delusional enough to think I can do it all. Every year I make the same resolutions, every year I try really hard, every year I go gangbusters for a few days, and then I burn out. There are so many things I want to get done and somehow the prospect of a new year makes me think … Continue reading

Health Insurer Pays Adults to Lose Weight

At the beginning of every new year, there are thousands of people who make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. A health insurance company in Colorado is paying adults who live in that state to lose weight. Losing weight isn’t easy, but, a financial incentive might influence people to really try losing that extra weight this year. It is called the “Weigh and Win” program. It is being offered to any adult who lives in Colorado, and is being run by Kaiser Permanente, an insurance company that sells health insurance. This insurer is spending a total of $500,000 to … Continue reading

Making Health Resolutions, Part 2

Yesterday I discussed ways to rethink your New Year’s Resolutions. Resolutions rarely result in success. If you are successful at making resolutions then by all means continue to work your method. Yet, for a vast majority of dieters and those seeking better health resolutions are nothing but broken promises to yourself. Here are few more tips: Resolve to Reward Yourself If you have decided to lose weight then you are embarking on a difficult journey. Weight loss is not easy task. It takes a change of mindset, willpower, and work. Instead of concentrating on the big picture make your goal … Continue reading