Wagging My Tail Goodbye to the Pets Blog

I’m sitting in my office looking out the window watching the snow melt from the rooftops and bushes as I’m writing this. Last night we got measureable snow, a bit of an oddity in December for us here in Nashville. Whenever we get snow like this now I think about the first winter I was writing for Families.com. We got snow one February and I took Murph outside to play in it, then wrote about it as my blog for the day later. How much inspiration I’ve drawn from my pets over the past two years since I first began … Continue reading

Animals Have Emotions, Too

Some people like to think animals are just animals. They think animals don’t think or feel or have emotions. Oh really? If animals didn’t have emotions, would they take orphaned animals in and nurture them as their own? Even when they’re different species sometimes. Would they cower from thunderstorms or snakes if they didn’t feel fear? Would they mourn the loss of their babies or even their people when they die? Would they show signs of depression? Would they smile when they’re happy? How could they do any of those things if they didn’t have emotions? I get viral emails … Continue reading

Cast Off Day!

We woke to much anticipation and excitement in our house this morning. After eight weeks, today Murph was set to get his cast off. I woke up early so I could get him to the surgeon’s office a little after 7:30 a.m. But before we left, I lay on the floor with him and petted his belly. “I need you to be a brave boy for me one more time, okay? Today I have to drop you off at the vet’s because they have to give you the sleepy medicine again to get your cast off. I know you don’t … Continue reading

21 Ways to Make Your Dog Smile

The last time we went to have a Murph post-op paw check-up at the surgeon’s office, we were placed in a room that had artwork in it this time –in the form of a cute poster titled “21 Ways to Make a Dog Smile.” It was a long, skinny one with three columns seven rows deep of 21 different smiling dog faces. Above the pictures were captions that suggested such smile-invoking activities as “Play catch,” “Make it a Blockbuster night,” “Do you want to go for a…WALK?!,” “Joyride!,” “Bring your dog to work day,” and “Teach your dog to smile…literally!” … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: July 2008

Two of my three children are summer babies. That is, they were born in the summer and had their first months surrounded by sunshine streaming in the windows, the sound of birds chirping, and days spent wearing nothing but a diaper and a “onsie.” I made sure that they had Fourth of July outfits ready, even though one of them arrived a week after the holiday. I guess he just wasn’t interested in the parade. Do you have a summer baby, too? We had a lot of new information to share this past month, such as recall notices and new … Continue reading

Everyday Traditions – Nava Atlas

Our lives are so busy. Everyone I know is busy, particularly those of us with children. Sometimes my own family is too busy. I know it’s the little things kids treasure and remember. Things like their mom playing cards with them, or making them cinnamon toast when they are sick, or giving their stuffed animals a kiss goodnight. Everyday Traditions: Simple Family Rituals for Connection and Comfort by Nava Atlas reinforces my belief that it’s the little things that matter. In fact she elevates those little things to be more than little things. The cinnamon toast becomes a sick day … Continue reading