Waiting for Writers and Readers.

Sometimes we chaff at how long it takes for things to happen, for God to answer our prayers. In the life of a writer a lot of time is spent waiting. Waiting for characters to be fleshed out. Of course we may still be writing at the same time and getting to know our characters. Waiting for a cooling off period after a draft of a manuscript is written, before going back to edit and revise. Then, when it is finally off to a publisher waiting for their response. Waiting for the postman to come with the good news of … Continue reading

Author Update – Julie Coulter Bellon on Writing and Family

Yesterday we were joined by author Julie Coulter Bellon who talked with us about her new novel, “All’s Fair.” If you missed that portion of the interview, you can click here to get caught up-to-date. Julie, thanks for being here again today. Let’s shift the focus a little bit to the overall process of writing. You have quite a large family, and you’re a devoted mother. How do you balance all the aspects of your life? Balance is always a fine line, but my children always come first. Interestingly enough, however, I find that I am a more calm and … Continue reading

Author Update – Julie Coulter Bellon on Her New Book

Since we last spoke with author Julie Coulter Bellon, she’s released a new novel for the LDS fiction market, “All’s Fair.” I reviewed it earlier today and you can read my thoughts on it here. Now Julie joins us again to talk about this latest development and what might be ahead for her. Julie, “All’s Fair” is your fourth novel for the LDS market and in my opinion, your best to date. Do you have a favorite out of the four? Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! That’s a hard question for me, because each book I’ve written has … Continue reading