Wagging My Tail Goodbye to the Pets Blog

I’m sitting in my office looking out the window watching the snow melt from the rooftops and bushes as I’m writing this. Last night we got measureable snow, a bit of an oddity in December for us here in Nashville. Whenever we get snow like this now I think about the first winter I was writing for Families.com. We got snow one February and I took Murph outside to play in it, then wrote about it as my blog for the day later. How much inspiration I’ve drawn from my pets over the past two years since I first began … Continue reading

Animals Have Emotions, Too

Some people like to think animals are just animals. They think animals don’t think or feel or have emotions. Oh really? If animals didn’t have emotions, would they take orphaned animals in and nurture them as their own? Even when they’re different species sometimes. Would they cower from thunderstorms or snakes if they didn’t feel fear? Would they mourn the loss of their babies or even their people when they die? Would they show signs of depression? Would they smile when they’re happy? How could they do any of those things if they didn’t have emotions? I get viral emails … Continue reading

Tabby’s First “Real” Halloween

Murphy and Mr. Meow are old pros when it comes to Halloween. They’ve been with us long enough to know that when I put up the graveyard and break out the ghosts that the Trick or Treaters will soon follow. But last year because we were in the midst of still trying to sell our home, which we did take off the market late in October, I didn’t “do” Halloween like I normally would. Therefore, even though last Halloween was technically Tabby’s first with us, she didn’t get a taste of how her mom normally does up the holiday. I … Continue reading

21 Ways to Make Your Dog Smile

The last time we went to have a Murph post-op paw check-up at the surgeon’s office, we were placed in a room that had artwork in it this time –in the form of a cute poster titled “21 Ways to Make a Dog Smile.” It was a long, skinny one with three columns seven rows deep of 21 different smiling dog faces. Above the pictures were captions that suggested such smile-invoking activities as “Play catch,” “Make it a Blockbuster night,” “Do you want to go for a…WALK?!,” “Joyride!,” “Bring your dog to work day,” and “Teach your dog to smile…literally!” … Continue reading

Joking Around with Author and “Bagel” Owner Jeff Cohen

Prepared to be entertained, folks. My next interview victim is the very talented and funny mystery writer, Jeff Cohen. (Just check out the clever titles of his books to get a sense of his wit.) He took a break from his busy writing schedule to “humor” me (pun intended) by answering the following questions. (Thanks again, Jeff. Best of luck with the new release.) Courtney Mroch: What kind of things do you write about? (Genre, subject matter, themes, what have you.) Jeff Cohen: Generally speaking, I’m a writer of “humorous” mystery novels (I prefer the term “Funny,” but they don’t … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for July 7 – 13

The Pets Blog Week in Review endured somewhat of a hiatus the past month or so, but now it’s back. Have you missed this handy cheat sheet way of quickly finding out what Aimee and I wrote about the week before? Sorry about that, but without further ado here’s this week’s installment. Monday, July 7 Aimee detailed the many medications guests at the cat care facility where she works take. Tuesday, July 8 Aimee got in touch with her crafty side and offered some neat suggestions for DIY chew toy projects. After an absence of my own, it was with … Continue reading

Do Your Pets Have a Sense of Humor?

Do your pets understand laughter? Do they understand it’s a good thing when they make you laugh? Do they do things on purpose to make you laugh? Do they even “laugh” themselves? Mine do. What Murphy Does to Make Me Laugh Murph can be quite the clown when he wants to, but his most favorite way to get me to laugh is by stealing socks. He’ll snag a dirty one from the dirty clothes, run up to me with tail wagging and eyes bright, and wait for me to say, “Oooo! Whatcha got there, puppy? Give me that, you Sock … Continue reading

Humor Helps with Dementia Homecaring Duties

Earlier today I wrote “GULP! I’m a Caregiver!”. I admitted how scary that was and how clueless I sometimes am about it all. The Humor of It All However, that leaves a lot of room for humorous incidents. Luckily, both my mom, husband, and I have pretty good senses of humor. Which is nice, because as my fellow bloggers Aimee and Beth have both written in previous articles, laughter is good medicine. (And not just my mom could stand a large dose of that at this point!) Humor had a chapter all its own in Keeping Busy: A Handbook of … Continue reading

Which Child is Most Like You?

Every once in a while a friend or family member will ask me which of my three children do I think is most like me? It is always a tough question and I probably answer it differently every time. While all three of my kids have little snippets of their personalities that are similar to me, they are also very much their own people and they have been through so many different phases and stages that it is hard to pin down. The one who I thought was most like me ten years ago, is not necessarily the one who … Continue reading

Can You Answer These 15 Questions About Your Significant Other?

Recently my friend Brenda sent me one of those “Getting to Know Your Friends” questionnaires. Do you know what I’m talking about? The ones with a bunch of questions you’re supposed to answer about yourself and then send them to everyone you know. Some questions may seem really generic at first glance (like what’s your favorite color, foods, or movies), but sometimes we don’t know the answers. Or have forgotten. It’s fun to see how our friends answer. If we’re astute, we learn something. (In Brenda’s case I’m always reminded what a witty sense of humor she has.) But my … Continue reading