PETCO Has a Halloween Costume Contest For Pets

Does your pet have a vibrant personality? Does it seem like your pet has as much fun dressing up in a Halloween costume as you do seeing him or her wearing it? If so, you should enter your pet in the PETCO costume contest. There are over $1,000 in prizes, just waiting to be won! For many people, Halloween is a fun holiday. Pet owners can dress up their pets in cute, scary, or downright amusing costumes, just for fun. Of course, it is helpful if your dog or cat happens to like wearing “clothing”. I can’t quite decide what … Continue reading

Get Your Dog a Halloween Costume From

Are you someone who cannot wait for Halloween? This is one of those holidays that people either love, or despise. A lot of people plan out what they are going to be on Halloween almost a year in advance. Many talented people plan out elaborate costumes, and start putting them together right away. For some families, part of the fun involves having everyone dress up in a Halloween costume. This often includes the family dog. has a sale on Halloween items for your dog. It is my understanding that dogs, just like people, either love or hate Halloween. My … Continue reading

A Raincoat for Lally?

My dog Lally hates the rain. When I open the front door and she catches a glimpse of that horrible wet stuff falling from the sky, her demeanor changes immediately. Pre-walk, she’s usually excited and alert. Once she sees or feels those first few drops, her ears go down, her head drops, and she seems to draw herself in — as if to be a smaller target for the rain. Nothing bothers Moose, mind you. Rain, snow, hail… he’s unfazed. But considering how the Pacific Northwest is known for being somewhat rainy, I started thinking that maybe Lally would like … Continue reading

Tabby’s First “Real” Halloween

Murphy and Mr. Meow are old pros when it comes to Halloween. They’ve been with us long enough to know that when I put up the graveyard and break out the ghosts that the Trick or Treaters will soon follow. But last year because we were in the midst of still trying to sell our home, which we did take off the market late in October, I didn’t “do” Halloween like I normally would. Therefore, even though last Halloween was technically Tabby’s first with us, she didn’t get a taste of how her mom normally does up the holiday. I … Continue reading

Halloween Costumes for Cats

Last year I wrote about Halloween costumes for dogs, Halloween food goodies for pets, and Halloween toys for pets, which included a tub full of toys for cats, but I didn’t specifically cover Halloween products for cats. So this year I thought I’d shake it up and write about Halloween costumes for cats. Halloween costumes for cats? Really? Unless my two were sedated (heavily I might add) there’s no way they’d let me dress them up. Especially not in most of the costumes I’ve seen which all seem to include head gear as part of the getup. But if your … Continue reading

Dancing with Your Dog: Music and Costume Ideas

Ever since I interviewed Beth Terrell and she introduced me to the world of puppy dancing, I find myself thinking about music and costume ideas. I swear, once we get Murph’s paw healed, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if I enroll us in a puppy dancing class. There are so many opportunities to get creative! Music Ideas Beth may have been the catalyst that got me started thinking about dancing with my dog, but the Greatest American Dog’s Dancing with the Dogs episode was the one that got me thinking about the music. In that episode, the contestants had … Continue reading

Happy Howl-oween!

Normally I look forward to Halloween. It’s one of my two most favorite holidays. I’m too old for trick or treating anymore, but it doesn’t stop me from dressing up –myself as well as Wayne and Murphy. (No way would Kitty let me even tie an orange or black bow around his neck! Tabby might though…) Except, this year I wasn’t able to go all out like I usually do with decorations and stuff because we had the house on the market. Still, I did get treats to pass out and even though Wayne won’t be with us, I have … Continue reading

My Favorite Halloween Couple Costumes: Spookiest Costumes

I didn’t exactly set out intending to do a My Favorite Halloween Couple Costumes series, but that’s what happened. I’ve covered funniest, sexiest, period, and classic characters costumes. I have one final category left: spookiest. I’ve never dressed up as anything spooky for Halloween. I have a sneaking suspicion neither has Wayne. (I know he hasn’t since we’ve been together, but I can’t vouch for when he was a wee thing.) It might be fun to break out of our molds and try something completely different though. Here’s the costumes I could see us doing that with: • Ghostly Gentleman … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Oct 1-7

How did Aimee and I usher in October in the Pets Blog? Well, if you missed it, you’re in luck. Here’s your handy dandy Week in Review to encapsulate it for you in a nutshell. Monday, October 1 Do you know what’s in your tank water? Aimee listed a number of things you should look for to keep your fish safe and healthy. Tuesday, October 2 Aimee detailed the basics of the nitrogen cycle in tropical fish tanks and why you should put your tank through this process before you add the fish. Do you know what you get when … Continue reading

My Favorite Halloween Couple Costumes: Classic Characters Costumes

If you’ve been following my favorite Halloween couple costumes series, you’ve seen my picks for funniest, sexiest, and period costumes. Well, I’m not through yet. I can’t leave out the classics –the characters everyone recognizes from TV shows and movies. Not since I was very little, like seven, have I dressed up as a favorite TV character. (Wonder Woman was the preferred choice several years in a row as I recall.) But it might be fun one of these years to see if Wayne would like to couple up as one of the following: • Fred and Wilma Flintstone: Wayne’s … Continue reading